BEI SW 406 Assignment 2 : Using JavaScript

What did i do with JavaScript

1. Created a Navigation bar that lightens with mouse over

2. Created a feedback page for JavaScript Validations..

BEI SW 406 Assignment 1 : Creating a Page with Links

1. Created this site

2. Created products catalog

New Fall Collection

Arrives our new fall'99 collection.. Look at our products catalog for more information. and such NEWs will fill in this spot..
basically these will act as pointers to what is new in the site.. or may be this spot can be used to put quick links to some most selling products..or some pertinent ( quantitative informationabout sales etc..

New Fall Collection

Some crappy news or advertising material will fill this spot. It could be some more product information or something really unnecessary ..or maybe when eventually i put a portal with this site,,i canuse this spot for logon / cutomize-my-preferences kind of information...