- A new way to organize society in Yugoslavia - 


          What we are promoting are ENVIRONMENTAL MICRO STRUCTURES, concept that introduces awareness of necessity for global ecological approach to life through ENVIRONMENTAL (Urban and Primal) UNITS. Environmental Units Concept assumes setting up microsystems that will fulfill maximum number of ecological criteria and that could operate autonomously, better and more efficient even in non-environmentally friendly surrounding. Forming number of such units in particular area will enable promoting and spreading the ecological idea by itself but also creating the net of those micro structures. Principle "from small to big", meaning from unit up to global way of thinking, is practically the only possible approach in our country, particularly regarding the present social and economical crisis and forwards the problem and its solution to the local level. Since the environmental pollution is more versatile and stressed in settlements and that most of the pollution in nature comes from the cities and industrial zones, setting up the Environmental Urban Units is of the vital importance. Environmental Urban Unit could be some repair-shop or class in the school, doctor's ordination, factory, family or environmental friendly street. Environmental Urban Unit could be some debate club, round table, theater or gallery where the new urban human values are explored and are to be introduced in everyday life... Urban Unit could also be suburb or village home that, by its own organization within the property and use of appropriate technology, creates environmental harmony with the nature but also with the urban surrounding. Primal Environmental Units consider natural ecosystems that exist and that are to be cared by all means. All kinds of natural resources are to be protected as they are part of global biosphere. The ways and procedures for nature protection are known and are to be strictly respected, since the results of the non accomplished works are not half of expected, but none. Forming such micro structures will engage local community and will materialize quickly their efforts. Such approach is fully compatible with contemporary intentions thus with Habitat Agenda and Agenda 21 ( OECD ). The whole concept is generated within GREEN TABLE and the research results will be forwarded to NGOs and governmental organizations. By animating the population in settlements to start setting up of Environmental Units in various domains we will obtain another dimension of mentioned microsystems. Every unit, such, would become a kind of laboratory or workshop for generating and testing global environmental concept. Rural and urban developments are independent. In addition to improving the urban habitat, we must also work to extend adequate infrastructure, public services and employment opportunities to rural areas in order to enhance their attractiveness, develop an integrated network of settlements and minimize rural-to-urban migration. Medium and small-sized towns need special focus. Insisting on the equitable attainment of peace, justice and democracy built on economic development, social development and environmental protection as interdependent and mutually reinforcing components of sustainable development, are the only possible way to obtain contemporary and firm society. For success in realization of this complex and important concept but also specific environmental protection and care projects, we need wide, multilevel understanding and help. 

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Beogradska 51, 11000 Beograd, Yugoslavia Tel: ++ 381 11 323 83 72; ++381 64 175 2003