Table 1

Parentage, phenology and seed yields (for crops sown on different dates) of various cultivars/lines tested during the 1989/90 growing season at Hisar
Cultivar/line CTSa No. Parentage Daysb from emergence to: Seed yields (kg ha-1) of crops grown in
Anthesis First pod Maturity October November December
ICCV 88501 10986 [Gaurav ´ ICCXc-770913] 42.1 68.3 164.21 1579 2449 2417
ICCV 88502 10578 [Gaurav ´ ICCX-770913] 48.8 57.7 161.5 2020 2965 2515
ICCV 88503 40410 [Pant G 114 ´ ICCX-770913] 46.3 53.1 163.7 1797 3094 3014
ICCV 88504 50888 [Pant G 114 ´ ICCX-770914] 81.0 92.2 171.5 1754 2626 2102
ICCV 88505 50562 [Pant G 114 ´ ICCX-770914] 83.6 94.3 173.8 1810 2693 2290
ICCV 88506 30521 [Gaurav ´ ICCX-770913] 46.1 69.8 164.3 2268 3090 2460
ICCV 88508 50735 [Pant G 114 ´ ICCX-770914] 81.9 91.3 182.8 1852 2468 2027
ICCV 88509 21247 [Pant G 114 ´ ICCX-770913] 54.3 67.8 162.8 2054 2590 2124
ICCV 88510 11308 [Gaurav ´ ICCX-770913] 79.1 93.2 174.5 2140 3193 2551
ICCV 88511 50779 [Pant G 114 ´ ICCX-770914] 80.2 90.7 172.8 1425 2899 2145
ICCV 88512 50070 [Pant G 114 ´ ICCX-770914] 86.5 95.8 181.3 1541 2616 1777
ICCV 88513 50402 [Pant G 114 ´ ICCX-770914] 83.5 91.9 184.2 868 2733 2181
ICCV 88514 50197 [Pant G 114 ´ ICCX-770914] 83.5 93.7 181.5 1462 3065 1987
ICCV 88515 10886 [Gaurav ´ ICCX-770913] 85.1 93.6 187.2 1868 2806 2143
Conventional cultivars
Pant G 114   85.6 93.9 184.3 1744 2900 1865
Gaurav   84.8 92.7 185.7 1769 2677 2174
  SE±   0.96 2.56 4.81 85.5
F.Prob.   *** *** * ***

aCTS: Cold tolerant selection
bValues refer to the October-sown crop.
cICCX: ICRISAT chickpea cross ICCX-770913 = G 130 ´(K 1189 ´ Chafa); ICCX-770914 = Pant G 115 ´(K 1189 ´ Chafa).