Autotheist's Recommendations

Welcome to our second page of recommendations. Below you will find a wide assortment of products that our members have deemed worthy or recommending to the general public. These are changed regularly, so be sure to purchase them now.


An Evening Wasted With Tom Lehrer

Song Titles
1. Poisoning Pigeons In The Park 7. Clementine
2. Bright College Days 8. It Makes A Fellow Proud To Be A Soldier
3. Christmas Carol, A 9. She's My Girl
4. Elements, The (music by Sir Arthur Sullivan) 10. Masochism Tango, The
5. Oedipus Rex 11. We Will All Go Together When We Go
6. In Old Mexico

That Was The Year That Was
-by Tom Lehrer
Song Titles
1. National Brotherhood Week 8. So Long Mom (A Song for WW III)
2. MLF Lullaby 9. Whatever Became of Hubert
3. George Murphy 10. New Math
4. The Folk Song Army 11. Alma
5. Smut 12. Who's Next
6. Send The Marines 13. Wernher von Braun
7. Pollution 14. The Vatican Rag

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