Site Problems, and updates.

I got on the net 24/1/98, and started my web page 24/03/98.
Because I am creating my own site and am new to HTML it will take me a bit of time to create a good site, but like they say "a picture is worth a thousand words". Unfortunately I have not spent enough time on mastering HTML.
My biggest problem is taking pictures.

How do I get a brilliant looking fish to appear on the web page?
I tried taking pictures with a camera but not being an expert photographer, the lighting and the fish did not come out right. (they were either blurred and/or the true color was not displayed).
Some of the pictures I have at present on my site are these photographs scanned into *.jpg files. I think this is the wrong way to go, as it seems expensive and time consuming (you don't see the results until you have developed the film) and then they may be no good!
Because I wish to update my page with new pics of fish, as and when I can, I need a long lasting solution.

I want also to get some small clips of video, fish feeding, fish mating display, fish laying (if I am lucky).
I thought the answer would be something like "SNAZZI Ide or DAZZLE Parallel" which it is said can capture video or stills.
Has any body tried it and would it do justice to my fish? Feedback appreciated. None so far!

I will update my site once I get decent pics, every 3 months or so, as it takes this long for the fry to grow enough to see if there are any new features.

I am trying pictures with a digital camera. Some of the pictures are from this source, and appear to be all right?

Go to Page of Pictures

Last updated  20/1/99


Any comments you have, you can e-mail me on one of the following