If you cannot hear the background music and/or you cannot see the moving stars (marquee) below these lines, then you are not using an up to date internet browser. Sorry about that. Or maybe, it is that I am using a Microsoft development tool: I love Microsoft, truly I do, up yours Netscape huggers (This goes for you Mark Fernandez.)

*************************************** Hi dudes, let's try an experimental family photo felony, we need to shape up on this tech matter and also enjoy it.

This film is entitled: "Whatever The Hell"

The cast of characters, are whoever the hell, only with a common denominator: All of them are genetically defective, that is, mentally abnormal with a 275 IQ average, and all of them are mental hospital escapees.

First of all, The King. What the hell, I wrote the whole damn thing so I deserve the title... and the opening scene.

(I refuse to place a page directory here, first because I am lazy, and last because in not doing so, I force the rubber neckers to look at the whole TP sequentially and one by one: Smart ain't it?)

So... What are you waiting for??? Oh well, I'll give you a hint:

Click me here, click me now, you dumbo.



(If you find the contents of this sequence offensive in any way or form, please let me know, and I will change or delete the indicated part(s) immediately. The narrative all along is honestly well intended, and I beforehand apologize for any aggravation I may inadvertently cause to the individuals depicted herein.

I would deeply appreciate your comments and advice on how to enhance the quality of this experiment.

Please pitch in your pictures, stories, tunes and anything else into this salad: We are missing December photos from Deanna, Ruben and sons and grandchildren and Patty and ad infinitum.

Please write to me at the following email: fernael1@aol.com )

Thanks a lot.