The Disadvantages and Drawbacks
Although, the KMTP has many advantages, nonetheless like any other project or deed undertaken, it also has its drawbacks.
Due to the status of the transit ways being elevated, the noise impact on the surrounding environment will be substantial. It could play to the residents of this area who tend to be the exception and live in the area that the first corridor will be covering.
There will be substantial number of households which will need to be relocated. This is so because there will be many residential buildings which will be so close to the elevated transit ways that it will be hazardous for them to maintain their house holds over there. Secondly, there will some buildings that will need to be demolished in order to make way for the foundations and the transit ways and hence it will cause more havoc.
Negative environmental Impact
Countless trees and natural vegetation would need to be removed from the areas where the Priority Corridor 1 would be constructed. Also, the transit ways at ground level will act as barriers for pedestrian and pedestrian crossings.
Visual intrusion
Perhaps the most significant impact that the elevated transit way would have is the visual intrusion it is going to cause to the environment. The Priority 1 corridor passes through some of the narrow strips of roads and it would therefore cause a slight shadow under it from where ever it passed. Secondly, it is extremely unpleasant to have an overhead bridge of this size flying between narrow passages and over cars and heads. Thirdly, the corridor passes through the most historical district of the city. It will block the view and the passages of many buildings which are protected under the "Karachi Heritage Foundation". Arguments in favor of the buildings is given in detail in the following article.