Friend's links
Star Trek links
Extra useless links




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Mark's Page
Cool guy, has his artwork on it. And other stuff.

Megan's Greco-Roman Mythology Page
Created by someone who is definately one of the cooler people on this planet. A lot of interesting and useful information on Greco-Roman Mythology. One of the places to go to, if a) you're bored or b) are doing a research paper.

Audrey's page
YAY AUDREY!!! Possibly the coolest person on the planet. I haven't been there lately, but it's still awesome, when I was there. Stuff about her, life, dreams and whatever. Luv ya girl!



Star Trek
The official site. Has a bunch of cool stuff. Recommended.

Star Trek sites
Almost a complete listing of all Star Trek sites on the net.

Janeway/Chakotay fan fiction archive
How much more in depth can I go? I visit a lot.



Yahoo! mail
I feel obligated to do this crappy program a little advertising. Don't get me wrong, it's good. For web-based email. There are better one's out there. I think that Yahoo! was just trying to monopolize the internet, and created everything: search, mail, chat, weather, My Yahoo!, and even merged with Geocities.

MSN Hotmail
One of the better web-based emails. And the only one that is not directly affiliated with a search engine. Useful, and with it, you can use MSN Messenger

Usless facts
Just what it says. Absolutely Useless Facts that no one ever really wanted to know.


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