Demokrasi - Part 4
Sumber: Majalah Al-Asholah 15 Jumadil-Akhiroh 1413 H
Masalah2 kontemporer ttg politik ditandatangani oleh 11 'ulama di antaranya: Muhammad Nashiruddin Al-
Albany dan Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi'i
Pujian kepada Alloh
Dalil-dalil tentang kewajiban 'ulama untuk memberi penjelasan kepada ummat tentang apa yang telah diturunkan Alloh dan dalil-dalil tentang ancaman kepada yang menyembunyikan kebenaran.
Penjelasan ttg :
1. Demokrasi
Pengertian demokrasi menurut peletak dan pemeluknya yaitu: konstitusi dibuat oleh rakyat, untuk rakyat; dan sesungguhnya rakyat adalah pemegang kedaulatan penuh. Dari segi ini, demokrasi bertentangan dengan syari'ah dan aqidah Islam. Alloh berfirman: (yang artinya):
Tidak ada hukum kecuali kepunyaan Alloh (6:57),(12:40 dan 67).
Dan barangsiapa yang tidak menghukum dengan yang telah diturunkan
Alloh maka mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang kafir (5:44).
Atau adakah bagi mereka sekutu-sekutu yang mensyari'atkan untuk
mereka, sebagai ad-diin, sesuatu yang Alloh tidak idzinkan? (42:21).
Maka tidak! Demi Tuhanmu! Mereka tidak (dikatakan) beriman sampai
mereka menjadikan engkau (Muhammad) sebagai hakim dalam perkara yang
mereka perselisihkan (4:65).
Dan tidak ada satu pun yang Ia jadikan sekutu dalam hukum-Nya (18:26).
Dan karena sesungguhnya demokrasi adalah sistem thoghut sedangkan sungguh kita diperintah untuk kufur kepada thoghut. Alloh berfirman (yang artinya) :
Dan barangsiapa kufur kepada thoghut dan iman kepada Alloh maka
sungguh ia telah berpegang kepada tali yang kokoh yang tidak akan
putus, dan Alloh itu Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui (2:256).
Dan sungguh Kami (Alloh) telah bangkitkan di tiap-tiap ummat seorang
rosul (dengan perintah): Hendaklah kalian mengabdi kepada Alloh dan
menjauhi thoghut (16:36).
Tidakkah engkau lihat orang-orang yang diberi satu bagian dari Al-
kitab? Mereka beriman kepada al-jibti dan ath-thoghut, dan mereka
berkata kepada orang-orang kafir bahwa kalian ini lebih mendapat
petunjuk jalan dibandingkan orang-orang yang beriman (4:51).
Mau pilih iman kepada Alloh dan hukum yang Ia turunkan atau mau pilih iman kepada thoghut dan berhukum kepadanya. Sedangkan segala yang bertentangan dengan syari'at Alloh adalah dari thoghut. Dan tidak tepat anggapan orang yang menyebut demokrasi sebagai konsep syuro (musyawarah) dalam ajaran Islam karena asy-syuro hanya boleh membahas hal-hal yang tidak di-nash-kan, dan dilakukan oleh ahlul-halli wal-'aqdi (lembaga pembuat dan pencabut keputusan) yang terdiri dari para ahli agama yang waro'; sedangkan demokrasi berbeda dengan hal-hal tersebut.
Democracy is Hypocrisy
The idea of a democratic society is dangerous and unworkable. Most world leaders, whether from the East or West hide behind its facade, and most of our problems today stem from the lack of clear thinking that the +democratic+ ideal engenders. For too long have people been deceived into not thinking about what a just society means, we+ve been pushed to the edge by a senseless herd mentality of doing what the rest want. To question the very principle of democracy is to be brave enough to accept that the majority is not always right. What an absurdity, can the majority ever be always right ?
The word Democracy comes from Greek demos 'the people' and kratos 'rule', meaning ruling by the people. In contemporary usage it means +ruling of the people, by the people, for the people+ and is manifested usually by representative democracy whereby the people select representatives from amongst them to rule. Sounds appealing and fair ? Read on.The above definition merely sets out a mechanism for people to control their affairs, to put forward representatives. As a mechanism for selection, it is certainly not a comprehensive system to solve our problems, so why all the hype about democracy ? Even when we look at the supposed early democratic society we see that the first model of democracy in Greece was but a brief interlude in which neither woman or slaves had any say, and which rapidly declined to near anarchy (who could make a decision ?). Such failure lead to a 2000 year gap before ideas of democracy were again resurrected. The problems with early democratic ideals were in the question of +what do the people rule by ?+ and this is no less a problem today.
To really unite the people in a society you must first gain unity of thought. To have a properly functioning society you must have a comprehensive reference point from which problems will be solved and the viewpoint towards life taken. This is the real issue for all of us, not who is ruling or how they are selected, but with what are they ruling us ? It is said that the highest level of thought is political, this is because it is political thought that is not only concerned with us as individuals but as a group (society) with common needs and objectives.When we study the political reality in this and most countries, it is not that the people have adopted capitalism on mass as their thought, its sort of been pushed upon us. Through careful manipulation of the media, they can push all sorts of ridiculous ideas and thoughts, and in time people that don+t think will accept them as the truth. In a country where the Sun is the most popular newspaper, is it not surprising that people support British aggression in the Gulf, or that people think the U.N. is a peace loving body which is not set up solely to do the bidding of the permanent superpower members. To get back to my opening point, do you think that the +Sun+ reader mentality is qualified to decide what is right and wrong in life ? Let alone decide for all of us because they represent the majority. If a democratic minority (which all governments in this country are) manages to anaesthetise the population completely with false worship of the Royal family, Gazza, and all things British then it is not surprising to see Britain rapidly declining in terms of productivity, morals, crime and the role of the family.
The reality as we should plainly see, is that democracy is merely the glossy shop front for capitalism, the way of life we are expected to embrace whole-heartedly, but which is never specifically debated against its alternatives. Surely, if this is the best way for mankind, then it should not need to be hidden behind a cloak of democracy and an even vaguer idea of freedom.
It is time for all to think deeply, not of who rules us or how they are selected but by what constitution we lead our lives, and what are the true principles upon which our laws and systems are developed. Everyone speaks of the oppression of the Palestinian peoples, and many support the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, but has anyone asked what is their economic policy, what is the social law they would implement, etc. As a secular organisation I doubt they can offer anything more comprehensive and lasting than any capitalist, be they Arab, Jew or American.
It is our history books which have been doctored to remove all realistic trace of the comprehensive system and way of life which the people of the Middle East lived under for 1300 of the past 1400 years, whether Jew, Muslim or Christian, all living under Islam had peace, justice and prosperity. Selection of a leader was in the hands of the people, but the systems, rules and laws were exclusively from the creed of Islam as given by our Creator in the Qur+an and sunnah (way) of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh).The fact is that whilst capitalism inherently would like to remove completely any reference to God in all of lifes affairs, it is not possible, no one can rationally bring an argument to deny the existence of God - such a thought is in direct contradiction to the reality of our very being, and completely inconsistent with our God given instinct to worship or sanctify that which is greater than us. Every society has worshipped God. So again the issue for us is to deeply assess what the capitalist brings in opposition to what Islam (submission to God only) has brought for us. This is the intellectual debate we are being cheated from, which the myths of democracy and freedom attempt to hide.Democracy whether represented by United States domination of the U.N. or the conservative parties ruling in Britain or anywhere in the world with a tiny minority is not the issue. Of much greater importance is the objective and approach to life that Britain and the U.S.A. adopt. Whether it is the minority support, or the weak man-made constitutions, or the sole objective of economic development which falsifies these countries; compare such a system to that whereby the people choose a leadership that will independently rule only in accordance with solid unshakeable principles of life itself that our Creator has brought for us. Surely mankind can only truly progress when we break free from these shackles that a supposed +democratic+ society gives us.
Ditulis oleh :
Akh Ibrahim, Sallehuddin ( Inggris )