Karl J. Roberts, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
Prince George's Community College
Dr. Karl J. Roberts
Office: CH 210J
Phone: 301-386-7539
e-mail: robertkj@mail.pg.cc.md.us
Office Hours: TBA
Fall 2001
Course Objective
We will cover the basics of the modern science of biotechnology, including a brief history of the discipline and many of the current techniques used in research, industry and forensic science. The primary focus of the course is the development of laboratory skills and familiarity with the equipment utilized in this rapidly developing branch of the biological sciences.
The course is composed of both lecture and laboratory sections.
DNA Science: A First Course in Recombinant DNA Technology (1990) D.A. Micklos and G.A. Freyer, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press and Carolina Biological Supply Company
World Wide Web
Additional labs and information will be found at the Microbiology/Biotechnology Website:
(note: schedules and types of examinations are subject to change)
There will be three (3) regular examinations, and one (1) comprehensive final examination, all held in the lecture room. In addition, there will be a team research project. Grades will be assigned according to accumulation of total points, following the following scale:
Lecture Exams - 3 X 100 pts = 300
Final Exam - 1 X 150 pts = 150
Research -
100 pts = 100
= 550 pts
Attendance is mandatory for all lecture and laboratory meetings. If circumstances arise to prevent you from attending, it is your responsibility to contact Dr. Roberts immediately. Make-ups will not be given except in the case of extreme emergency [defined here as and only as: illness requiring hospitalization of the student (requires certified excuse from a qualified physician), family emergency requiring hospitalization (same as previous), call to active military duty, or sudden change in working shift (only applicable if supported by a valid excuse slip from the employer, including two contact phone numbers for verification). No other excuse will be allowed for the making up of missed examinations. Due to the nature of scheduling and set-up, there will be no make-up of missed laboratory exams. If you can not meet the schedule of the class, please do not sign up.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty in any form:
- Cheating on examinations,
- Copying other students work,
- Attempting to pass off the work of another as your own,
- falsifying information regarding the reasons for an absence during
an examination period,
will not be tolerated. The first such offense will result in
a grade of zero (0) points awarded for the assignment. The second will
result in referral to the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs
for violation of the Code of Student Conduct regarding academic dishonesty.
Tentative Lecture and Laboratory Schedule
Topic Chapter Laboratory
Week 1
Themes in the Development of DNA Science
1 1.
Measurements, Micropipeting, and Sterile Techniques
2. Bacterial Culture Techniques
Week 2
Questions in the Development of DNA Science
2 2.
Bacterial Culture Techniques
3. DNA Restriction Analysis
Week 3
Questions in the Development of DNA Science
2 3.
DNA Restriction Analysis
Basic Tools and Techniques of DNA Science
3 4.
Effects of DNA Methylation on Restriction
Week 4
Exam 1 (Chapters 1-2)
Basic Tools and Techniques of DNA Science
3 4.
Effects of DNA Methylation on Restriction
5. Rapid Colony Transformation of E. coli with Plasmid DNA
Week 5
Basic Tools and Techniques of DNA Science
3 5.
Rapid Colony Transformation of E. coli with Plasmid DNA
Advanced Techniques of DNA Science
4 6.
Purification and Identification of Plasmid DNA
Week 6
Advanced Techniques of DNA Science
4 6.
Purification and Identification of Plasmid DNA
7. Recombination of Antibiotic Resistance Genes
Week 7
Advanced Techniques of DNA Science
4 7.
Recombination of Antibiotic Resistance Genes
Gene Regulation and Development
8. Transformation of E. coli with Recombinant DNA
Week 8
Exam 2 (Chapters 3-4)
Gene Regulation and Development
8. Transformation of E. coli with Recombinant DNA
9. Replica Plating to Identify Mixed E. coli Populations
Week 9
Applying DNA Science to Human Genetics
9. Replica Plating to Identify Mixed E. coli Populations
10. Purification and Identification of Recombinant DNA
Week 10
Applying DNA Science to Human Genetics
7 10.
Purification and Identification of Recombinant DNA
Applying DNA Science in Agriculture, Medicine
8 11.
Detection of Alu by PCR
and Industry
Week 11
Applying DNA Science in Agriculture, Medicine
8 11.
Detection of Alu by PCR
and Industry
12. DNA Fingerprinting
Week 12
Ethical Considerations in Biotechnology
Handout 13. Using Random Amplified
Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)
Analysis to Examine Phylogenetic Distance Among
Plant Species
Week 13
Exam 3 (Chapters 5-8, Ethics Handout)
Team Research in Biotechnology 14. TMV immunoblot
Week 14
Team Research in Biotechnology
Week 15
Finish Team Research in Biotechnology
Final Given During Final Exam Week