Study Skills

Adapted by John Walton from Study Skills for Secondary Students

Virginia Beach City Public Schools

Managing Your Study Time

Preparing to Study

          Establish a study schedule

          Prepare a place to study

          Keep study materials together

          Eliminate distractions

Self-Help Techniques

          Maintain good attendance

          Bring text and materials to class

          Write down assignments

          Write down class web site

          Use class web site regularly

          Ask for help when you do not understand

          Believe you can improve

          Learn to concentrate

Approaching Homework

          Set priorities

          Divide long term assignments into subtasks and schedule subtasks

          Complete assignments on time

          Avoid cramming

          Review class notes and study questions daily

Actions in Class

Listening and Participating

          Stay alert

          Follow listening etiquette

          Focus on what is being said

          Answer to yourself questions that are addressed to others

          Ask questions whenever anything is unclear

          Use class time wisely

Note Taking

          Write legible note

          Use internet outlines as a guide

          Copy and define key words and terms written on the board

          Use teacher cues to guide note-taking


          Use abbreviations and symbols

          Record details of assignments and due dates

           Read and revise notes after class

          Clear up any questions you may have the next day

Reading Skills


          Schedule enough time

          Preview chapter questions

          Preview internet study questions


          Survey the text heading for an overview

          Use the internet outline as a guide

          Question the text by making each heading a question

          Read to answer the questions

          Use a dictionary when necessary

          Recite, in your own words, the material just read

          Take notes recording key words, dates, and names

          Identify unfamiliar concepts and terms

          Make an outline and summarize

          Create and answer your own questions

          Answer the internet study questions

Writing Skills

Preparing to Write

          Determine the purpose of the assignment

          Determine the audience

          Divide the assignment into small tasks

          Have necessary books and materials available

          Collect and evaluate information

          Have a focused topic

Writing the Paper

          Organize and plan for the paper

          Review APA format

          Write multiple drafts

          Edit for spelling, punctuation, grammar, and accuracy

          Obtain teacher and/or peer feedback on preliminary drafts

          Submit a neat, legible final draft typed as specified in the assignment

Test Taking Skills

Reviewing Content

          Determine what the test will cover

          Know the importance of the test

          Look over class notes, study questions and any quizzes

          Scan chapter reviews and summaries

          List items to be memorized on index cards

          Make up sample questions

          Know and prepare for the test format: true and false and short answer questions

Taking the Test

          Read over the entire test before beginning

          Read the directions carefully

          Take time to understand the questions or problems

          Budget your time wisely

          Write key words and phrases next to questions as an aid to writing the answer

          Answer the easy questions first

          Proof read your answers prior to handing in your test paper