1. Books are to be non-fiction and related to the topic or theme you have chosen. Biographys are not acceptable.
2. Science books generally have call numbers in the 500 to 700 range. Books on computers, technology, health, psychology, or human behavior may be found in other areas. Do not use books from the juvenile section of the library. If you are not sure your book will be acceptable show it to me before you read it.
3. You do not have to limit yourselves to the school’s library. You have plenty of time to get to one of the public libraries or to a book store. I have been in the libraries in Lawrenceville and Emporia and they both have good selections of science books. You may also use the library at SVCC or one of the online book sources. Do not come to me in the last few days before the report is due with the excuse “I did not have time to find a book”. Begin now.
4. Your review will have an APA Title page. The Book Reviews will be at least three (3) typed, double spaced pages long. Use a 12 point font. Use Arial, New Courier, or Times New Roman. Times New Roman is the font most commonly used in science journals. Do not use decorative fonts.
5. Illustrations do not count as part of the 3 pages.
6. Reports must contain the following sections. Label each section.
7. Do not use a separate reference page.
8. Grades will be based on the clarity of the report, neatness, and the quality of the general presentation. Remember this is a book review not just a book report. Your report is due 14 November.