Welcome to my musc page. I have been involved in music for most of my life. I didn't think of it as a "practical" career until recently. I went through college as a Chemical Engineer to "get a good job" but maintained a music minor (unfinished) because I love music. I have played a variety of instruments in a variety of bands. Currently my primary instrument is the keyboard due to it's versatility. I play keyboards/sax/flute/vocals on the San Rafael Christian Church worship praise band. I am working on a worship ministry called Audible Faith. My love for music and my love for God have given me great joy over the past year, and I am excited where it is leading. I hope soon to put some of my on-going projects on-line when I get the chance.
Hayden's sonatas.
In the meantime, check out some of the software and books I recommend.

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