The first thing you need to do is :
Transload the "Create Your Custom Jumps" page to your home page directory (don't change the file name).
When you get that done, you need to alter it in two places -
document.cookie = "info=" + cookieData + "; expires=" + expirationDate.toGMTString() + "; path=/your/directory/path/"
- and change /your/directory/path/ to your homepage directory. For example if your home page URL is "" then you would put /ak/baseball/ there. Or if your homepage URL is "" then you would put /yummy/donuts/ there.
- to a suitable link of your choosing.
Now, copy the first section of code by placing the yellow highlight box around the textarea and pressing "cmd-a" then "cmd-c". Paste this section between the
Then copy the code in this textarea and place it where ever you want it, within the
When you first visit your "Create Your Custom Jumps" page (especially if you use Tripod), you may see a bunch of jibberish in the first input area. This is only visible by you because you have used the homepage editor that made the page. Your visitors will not experience this. Just erase it and set your preferences and you will never see it again.
You have Comments or
Suggestions?..then Email: ~CKD~
Hootie's WTV Jumps© 1998-2003 by ~CKD~ |