Jill B - 12/06/00 20:23:49
My Email:sjbuer@info-link.net
Special interest: Chinese Food
Hi! I am looking for easy and healthy Chinese food recipes and I was so excited to find your web site. But then I discovered that I couldn't read it. :-) Do you have it posted in english anywhere? Thanks, and Merry Christmas!
Elizabeth - 11/10/99 03:33:50
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/sccts/money.html
Special interest: the environment, chemistry
Great page! Congratulations on the imminent arrival of your new baby. Let us know when he/she (they?) come!
Schuyler Meyers - 10/05/99 04:46:09
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/skartdo
My Email:skart69@yahoo.com
Special interest: art
Your favorite web page: whatever i happen to be reading
Really liked your page. I am wondering what you want to do with your research. Still low temp physics is pretty cool. Wish your recipes were translated into English though. You never know what your gonna need.
Alexis Gurrera - 04/29/99 00:00:18
J'ai aimé visiter votre webpage, excepté le bruit vers le haut du cadre ce qui est celui?
Ming, the Merciless - 04/14/99 03:05:16
My URL:you know
My Email:you know
Special interest: Nothing
Your favorite web page: Certainly not yours
Just come and check it out! Nothing special!
cylee - 03/24/99 15:29:39
My URL: http://www.cog.brown.edu/~cylee
My Email: Chao-Yang_Lee@brown.edu
Special interest: under intense search
Your favorite web page: www.nfl.com
Nice pages! I'm looking forward to photos of your baby.
Aaron - 03/24/99 05:26:54
My URL: http://www.brown.edu
Your favorite web page: www.nasdaq-amex.com
a.j. nowack - 03/10/99 01:24:24
Special interest: sex and sports
Your favorite web page:
johno - 02/16/99 20:55:34
My URL: http://geocities.datacellar.net/NapaValley/Vineyard/3281/
Special interest: well Moonshining
Your favorite web page: Yours
Your page was advtised on mine and i thought you would like to know..... you have a very good web page seeya latter
Ching-Yuan Su - 11/24/98 04:08:58
My Email: sucy@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Special interest: molecular biology
I see your page, it's excellent.
Keep going!
´å¾å·ì - 10/22/98 01:26:42
My URL: http://geocities.datacellar.net/area51/nebula/4156
My Email: verania@yahoo.com
Special interest: Science and Science-Fiction
Your favorite web page: My own: www.geocities.com/area51/nebula/4156
I'm not certain whether you can read Big5 Chinese or not, so I will write in English. I came over to your site through a Geocities banner. As you can see, I also set up shop on Geocities, but at a great distance from where you are. I am also a Taiwanese s
udent studying in the states, but I'm not quite in graduate school yet! My major is in engineering, so we have something in common (Well, close enough). I am interested in your work, which seems to be an exploration of tension and stress on the surface of
bubbles. What are the applications of your studies? Anyway, I just came over to say hi. ¥´Ó©Û©I.
T.C. Wang - 09/22/98 03:24:04
My Email: tcwang98@hotmail.com
Special interest: classical music
Your favorite web page: www.chinatimes.com.tw/news/papers/ctimes/ctimes.htm