Here is a pristine mint Little Miss Ginger with platinum hair in her original box in her original underwear and heels.
Here are both Little Miss gingers wearing original tagged Cosmopolitan Little Miss Ginger outfits.
Here is Little Miss Ginger with her little sister, Ginger, also with the unusual platinum hair.
Here is Little Miss Ginger with her trunk full of tagged outfits.
Here she is wearing the rare red underwear set. I believe these outfits and doll were originally part of a special Little Miss Ginger gift set that came with this red underwear set.
Here is Little Miss Ginger wearing her fur coat set along with a redheaded Little Miss Revlon.
Here is Little Miss Ginger in another tagged dress, along with a platinum hair 10 1/2" Miss Coty.
Here Little Miss Ginger wears a red cordoroy slacks set that matches her larger Miss Ginger's red cordoroy outfit. The outfits are both tagged, but the 10 1/2" doll is a Miss Ginger look-a-like.
Another tagged Little Miss Ginger outfit, a brown felt skirt with green knit top.
Another tagged outfit and the metal trunk.
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