Berndog and ComputersI graduated from Brown with a degree in Computer Science so I think that classifies me as a nerd right there. Even so, I am a Macintosh Evengelist and I will not stop until I have spread the gospel of Apple across the globe. I thoroughly believe that Mac OS is currently the more stable and intuitive operating system, especially when compared to the likes of Win'Doze 95.I own an older model Mac IIsi. It is kind of slow and doesn't have a lot of RAM or hard disk space but I used it in college for a while. I also stole my brother's Imagewriter II which helps, but is pretty gross. This machine is terrible for Marathon but is good for just about any other normal use like Word Processing and things like that. Previous to my current computer I owned a Mac Classic II which was ok, and a Deltagold 8088. To be honest, I didn't mind the 8088 and learned a lot of DOS through it, but I realize that DOS wasn't even as easy to learn for me as UNIX or VMS was. I also can't forget to mention my trusty ol' Apple //c. It still works perfectly after 12 years. If only the monitor hadn't burned out a few years back :( When I attended Brown, we only used Sparcstations, model 1's, 2's, and 10's when I eventually graduated. At the NIH, I began using a VAX 8320 and DEC alphastations that were running OpenVMS. I am proficient in C, C++, Pascal, and Assembly. I have a pretty thorough knowledge in FORTRAN77, BASIC, Lisp, and Postscript. I have some background in HTML and Java as well, but not too much. Yes, so as you can see, I'm a nerd, but please, please don't hold it against me. Last updated June 10, 1996 |