The significance of the Medicine Wheel was such that it was common to many of the Tribes and Nations of the North American continent. Among other meanings, the Medicine Wheel represents the Sacred Circle and the Four Directions. They were, and are, commonly found on bags, pouches, articles of clothing, etc. and are found in ceremonials. Below are just a few of the Tribes and the significance of the Medicine Wheel in their societies.
East - red - The Sun Land - success - triumph - power
South - white - Wa'hala' (a mountain) - peace - health - happiness - other blessings
West - black - The Darkening Land - death
North - brown - propitious
Below - green - The Earth - rebirth - renewal
Underworld - yellow - about the same as blue
Southeast - turquoise blue - blue hoop - golden eagle - lifting off fear of retribution
Southwest - black - black hoop - black bear - lifting off fear of death
Northeastt - yellow - yellow hoop - mountain lion - lifting off fear of not knowing
Northwest - white - white hoop - fox - lifting off fear of being impure
East - yellow stone - golden eagle - thanksgiving - wisdom - understanding
South - white - white stone - white crane - rebirth - source of renewed life & destiny
West - black - black stone - black eagle - renewal - purifying water & Thunder
North - red stone - bald eagle - procreation - health & control
Above - blue - Above Beings
Below - green - Earth Mother
Southeast - red - red corn - ancestors providing
Southwest - blue or green - blue-green corn - youth & courtship
Northwest - yellow - yellow corn - mature adult - illumination
Northeast - white - white corn - protective medicine to insure long & venerable life