Little Rock Lupercalia




Welcome to our little corner of the web. I am MisterBill, and together with my lovely sub irish, we host the Little Rock Lupercalia's munches and play parties. This site is just another way to get the info about our group out to y'all, and provide you with some hopefully useful info and links. We hope to be continuing the construction on the site, so even if you've been here before and think you've seen it all, please take another look around. There just might be something that wasn't here the last time.

What *IS* Little Rock Lupercalia?

LRL is a munche group in the central Arkansas area. We're a group of folks with a common interest in the many facets of the BDSM lifestyle that meet to exchange thoughts, ideas, questions and suggestions. We're a pretty well mixed group of male/female, Dom(me)/sub, but probably a majority of the group is couples. We meet at a public party room in a local restaurant once a month (on the 4th Saturday at 5pm), and invite any and all who have an interest in BDSM to join us. At the restaurant, we might discuss plans for upcoming munches, or new construction techniques that one of us has found, or a scene (real, cyber or fantasy) that one of our members has had since the last meeting. 'Course, we don't limit the conversation to just BDSM: It's more a social event than a formal meeting, so whatever folks want to chat about is fine. Since it IS a public place, we don't allow fetish wear, toys, demos, or photographic materials. Contact us for location (and directions if you need them).

   After the munche, we wander over to the house for a play party.  Much like the munche portion of the get-togthers, the parties are very free-form. Some folks like to just sit and chat while there might be a scene going on upstairs. Or there might be a spanking going on in the living room while the violet-wand is being put to good use somewhere else in the house. Once in a while we have a theme night: It might be a pajama night, or leather & lace, or something as "un-BDSM" as a pot-luck dinner! We're always open to suggestions, and except for the one about needing a bigger house, we try to accomodate all of them! 'Course, if anyone has a suitable building in the central Arkansas area that they'd like to donate, we'd certainly like to discuss that!!!




April 10th - 5pm - Members-only play party at the house. This is a short notice, out of schedule munche, open only to folks that have previously visited with us here at the house.

April 24th - 5pm - Open munche, everyone invited. Contact us for location.


May 22nd  - 5pm - Open munche, everyone invited. Contact us for location.


June 26th - 5pm - Open munche, everyone invited. Contact us for location.



What LRL is *NOT*!

We are not a swap club, nor are we a "pick-up" group. Single folks are just as welcome at the munches as are couples (or groups!), and there's always a chance that you might meet someone here that you'll hit it off with. But don't count on it! We also don't provide "services": We had one individual contact us about a munche several months ago. He claimed his Domme would allow him to attend on the condition that he be met at the door by a Domme and then went on to tell us all the things the Domme would have to do with/to him during the evening. 'Fraid he'd gotten a wrong number. It's also not a show. We have a few folks that although they don't participate, have a genuine interest in BDSM. Although we have never yet had to ask anyone to leave for inappropriate behavior, it could happen. Common sense is the best rule to follow.....


The Rules

'Nuff said!


On to the REST of the site!

April 10, 1999

This site is being assembled through MicroSoft NotePad with the help of The HTML Tutorial by Steve Weiland, and with Netscape Composer.