Greetings from Canada

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Greetings! I live in Ontario, Canada.
Did you know that Canada was voted #1 place in the world to live FOR THE 4TH YEAR IN A ROW! by the United Nations (June 12, 1997.)

I've added a very special page

something that I wrote that is very close to my heart

For those of you who are familiar with the area:

- I am a "MUSKOKA GIRL" at heart - who has fallen in love with the beauty of Georgian Bay!-

Lake of Bays, Muskoka

I love the pine, cedar & birch trees, the crystal clear waters & the sand and rocks - it's so peaceful! Lake of Bays is where I have spent a great deal of my life. My family first settled there in 1932 and my children are 4th generation on the lake. The tradition continues!

One of the most enjoyable jobs I ever had was the two years teaching skiing at Magic Mountain, Vermont. If you were ever a skier there - do please email me and say hi! I have just heard that it plans to re-open this winter. I later spent some time in Newport, Rhode Island and Bedford Village, Westchester County, New York.

After a few years in Galt and Elmira, Ontario most of my childhood years were spent North Toronto. I married an ex-Montrealer (little did we know - his sister was my next door neighbour in Muskoka.) We lived in Mississaugaa until 5 yrs ago when I packed in the city life and opted for a more serene lifestyle in the country where we can ski, golf, rollerblade, play tennis, and enjoy the good life!

My husband's family settled in this area in the 1800's and I have spent a great deal of time researching their family history.

We have two sons (18 & 20.) The younger is into scuba diving (a hair short of having his Master's)and is a rock climbing instructor. He is presently attending College in the Candian Rockies. The elder one is into mountian biking, and is a snowboarding instructor while attending school.

Over the years I have been busy raising my family and doing volunteer work - mainly in the medical and disabilities areas as well as community work, etc. I have a very strong interest in helping families who are involved with ADHD and have worked in a volunteer capacity in that area for over 10 years. I also served on numerous Boards of Directors as I am a firm believer in giving back to the community.

I have struggled for the past few years with a bad bout of "severe chronic depression" which I've managed to overcome with the love and support of my family and friends. This is a dibillitating desease that affects far more than we know and too few of us really understand the illness.

Hobbies include entertaining, snow skiing, skating/roller-blading, sailing, water skiing, boating, swimming, golf & tennis. I used to be involved with hot air balloon races across Canada and the USA. I love water and have a passion for fast boats and cars. My dream is to drive an off-shore boat in the Florida-Nassau race, but that is only a dream. We all need dreams don't we! And of course, one of my great passions is my three computers. I love keeping intouch with all of my friends thru e-mail as we all live so far away and lead such busy lives. For fun, I design web sites (over 17 so far) for various groups and take computer courses because you can never learn enough where a computer is concerned! Unfortunately, this web site, being my own - is the last to ever get updated or changed. I have a waiting list right now of 4 new sites to tackle for others.

I spend as much time as possible (never enough time!)at my home in Florida. (see photos of the area below) While in Florida my days are spent on the tennis courts or at the pool and working as President of our Condominium Association (a full time job!)

In the summer I spend every free moment on my new Carver "Lady Driver II" cruising the waters of Georgian Bay (Lake Huron)

During the quiet times on the boat, I am slowly re-writing a travel activity book for ages 12-99. It's full of educational and fun activities creating both quiet time and family interaction activities.

This summer I've just returned from an extensive trip in the Canadian Rockies, and exploring British Columbia and now am preparing for a boat trip through the North Channel to Sault Ste. Marie and Lake Superior.

Links to other sites on the Web

homepage of my son Brett (the rockclimber)
ADD & ADHD Support Page

My boating pages and photos of Georgian Bay, Lake Huron and the Trent-Severn Waterways

An awesome web site with spectacular photos of Banff and the Canadian Rockies. Don't miss this one by Steve, in Dallas!

My "other" personal web site attempt. It's newer but not as up to date.

Just like the beauty of this rose needs both the sun and the water to make its way in this world,
I too need the beauty of friendships to make my way in this world.

A few of my favourite photos:

My son Brett - is a rock climber (level 5.12) and certified climbing instructor and scuba diver

Scott is 19. He is a snowboarding instructor who loves winter and is an avid mountain biker and rollerblader in the summer.

Naples, Florida sunset

On those cold miserable Canadian mornings, I am often (as often as possible!) found sitting on the lanai enjoying the heat and this beautiful, peaceful, view. Who knows - perhaps I'll pick up a few pointers watching the golfers! (I sure need all the help I can get!

Georgian Bay is famous because of it's 30,000 Islands - and even more famous for the other 100,000 rocks under the surface - waiting to eat your propeller - hull - or shaft! A dangerous but beautiful place in this world of ours! I spend every free moment now on the waters of Georgian Bay and in a lifetime one would never see it all!

Sunset on Georgian Bay

This is the beach at Giant's Tomb where we sometimes anchor with our dock friends from the Marina.

My boat :-)

Should you feel the STRONG URGE... You can e-mail me:

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