How many times do I love again?

Tell me how many beads there are*
in a silver chain*
Of evening rain,*
Unravelled from the tumbling main,*
And threading the eye of a yellow star...*
So many times do I love again.*
Thomas Lovell Beddoes*
Secret Dreams*
I never get to tell you*
What I'd really like to say*
How much I long to hold you*
Each and every day.*
To kiss you*
and caress you*
And leave this world behind,*
There isn't any limit*
To the pictures in my mind.*
You're the fuel*
of all my fantasies,*
The substance of my dreams*
In my special world*
It's you and me*
And nothing in between.*
But then *
when I Come back *
to earth*
And face reality*
I realize,*
it's just a dream;*
That's all there is*
for me.**
Author Unknown*
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