why pink???? because i say so!!!!
welcome to my world of pink. it's my world, and anything thing is possible, and since anything is possible in my world, it was easy to declare myself princess shellfish. so there. i did it. and now it's done. monarchy is nice like that!! :)
little update on my life: i finally did buy a skateboard . . . and am having a blast learning how to board!! if you have any suggestions, please e-mail and help!!!!!!! i'm pretty good at going in straight lines, and am just learning how to turn. it's all a balance thing!!
if you're wondering about me . . . there's not too much to know.
i plan on linking some really groovy stuff on here . . . painful prose, and heart wrenching stories of life gone awry. insights to what it like to live in a vaccuum your whole life, only to get spit out of the lint bag and into the garbage.
but if you're interested in the nitty gritty details, i'll tell you. if you have the desire to know more, then there must be something wrong!!
well, phat chat has changed to summer discovery chat for ucla 97's chatting pleasure. please bookmark it and come back to it (and use it, all the cool people do!!). a list of sd e-mail addresses!!
please, please, please sign my pinkpages , and tell me what you think (i was polite and said "please" - now you have to!!). if you do . . . i promise to answer!! (isn't that motivation enough?!)
more crazy stuff to follow . . . believe me, it will get better!!!!
always remember . . .
special thanks to paul for helping me make this homepage what it's become today!! i couldn't have done it with out ya!!
take a looksy at my old pinkpages, i swear, it won't bite!!