Top Text Left, Van Heusen's white oxford shirt with a Van Ron collar sells for $4.50. A Swank collar pin ($1.50) holds a Van Heusen rayon tie ($1.50). At right, that's a blue oxford button down shirt by Manhattan, $4.50, with a striped all-silk tie by Manhattan, $2.50. The accessories, above, are Bass Fish cuff links ($2.50) and a Rod tie clasp, made by Hickock ($2.50) Bottom Text Left is Arrow's Sussex collar on a maroon and grey striped broadcloth shirt, at $3.95. The Arrow rayon tie is $1.50. At right, the Kingston shirt in white broadcloth is made by Essley to sell for $4.95. Wembley's Color Quartet rayon tie with it goes for $2.00. The jewelry, above, is a Swank Crest cuff link and tie clasp set which sells for $7.95.