Top Text Left, the Tru Val Fairflex shirt in white broadcloth with a Kantfray collar is $3.95; the Tru Val rayon tie, $1.50. At right is The Dorm, a blue and white striped button down oxford shirt by Marlboro; the tie is Botany's Wrin- kleproof of 100 per cent wool challis, at $1.50. Above: Anson's Thoroughbred cuff links sell for $2.75 ( set) as does the tie clasp. Bottom Text Left, Van Heusen's Van Chick collar on a sun tan shade broadcloth shirt is $3.95; the Van Heusen rayon tie, $1.50. Right, the Wings shirt of broad- cloth with a spread collar is of aero- plane cloth and sells for $3.50; Beau Brummell's all silk tie is a $3.50 item. The accessories, above, are designed as a set; made by Swank, cuff links and tie bar together are $6.95.