

Michelle's Page!

Welcome to Michael & Michelle's Place in cyberspace! Please feel free to snoop around and make yourself at home!

Check out my features and column on the Treasure Coast's ONLY Entertainment Magazine, The Local Buzz!

Walk through the fire and see the volcano!

See Europe!

Happily Ever After...

A page dedicated to the future bride with links and tips.


See Dean defy death...

Dean and I were married at the Boca Raton Country Club... Come see some of our wedding photos!

Our New Additon!

Come see what we've been working on!

Emily's Scrapbook!
Page One: Emily newborn and her first visitors at the hospital

Page Two: Emily Comes home through her first month!

Page Three: Emily at 5 Weeks Old!

Page Four: Emily At 10 Weeks Old!

Page Five: Emily up to 16 Weeks Old!

Page Six: Emily 5 Months Old!

Page Seven: Emily 6 Months Old!

The Gang!!

A photo collection of our friends, (so they can see themselves in cyberspace!) Hi guys!

A Link to our latest web page