Albert Einstein is one of the most illustrious
scientists of the 20th century.He made the famous and revolutionary discovery
of the Theory of Relativity.Einstein promulgated his theory of relativity
in 1905,when his scientific research papers were published.This discovery
established his reputation among the physicists of Europe.This theory of
relativity states that the speed of light appears to be the same whether
an object is moving rapidly to meet it or going away from it.His scientific
discoveries enabled Einstein to give some new theories regarding space,time
and gravitation.In 1912,Einstein became a Professor at the Zurich Polytechnic
(Switzerland).In 1914,he was invited to become a Professor at the Prussian
Academy of Science in Berlin.When Hitler,who had a profound hatred for
jews,came to the power in Germany in 1933,Einstein left Germany and settled
permanently in America.
Einstein was born on 14th March,1879 at
Ulma in Germany in a Jewish family.He became a naturalized citizen of Switzerland
in 1894.In Switzerland, Einstein completed his early education and spent
four years at the Polytechnical
Academy of Zurich.Einstein obtained his Bachelor's degree
in 1900.In 1905,
he got PhD from the Zurich University.
The international fame to Einstein as a
scientist of a very high calibre came in 1919 ,when his scientific theories
were given recognition by the Royal Society of
London.Thereafter ,he made a wide tour across Europe
explaining his views to the intellectuals.In 1921,Einstein was awarded
Nobel Prize in Physics.The next three years were spent by Einstein in touring
around the world explaining his scientific theories to the people.Einstein
also took up the cause of wor;d peace.He died in Princeton(USA) on 18 April
1955,at the age of 76.
Writen based on a research by
Calvin Chou
Director of
Cyber Link CORP