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Please Note "NEW" Rules for buying back "Out-State" miles

Effective January 1, 2001


Mileage Data Program

Guidelines for out-of-state mileage buyback

(Currently handled by the Points and Membership Chair)

Since GLDRA started April, 1980

you can not buy back any mileage before April, 1980.  

1. Applicant contacts GLDRA president (letter recommended) to buy back or submit any new out of state miles from previously bought back years to go through the verification process

2. President contacts two non-family (not related to the applicant) GLDRA Board members to do the verification and notifies the applicant of who they are.

3. The two Board members and the applicant choose the manner/method to perform the verification. Board members signatures required. Verification criteria follows:

a. Any organized trail group records

b. News articles, scrapbooks, letters verifying the rider's mileage, score sheets

4. The applicant sends to the mileage data person the appropriate payment and the list of verified rides/dates/miles/horse/rider.

5. Mileage data person adds the verified information to the official records.

 Fillout and send to the address at the end of form. If you have any questions you can E-mail your questions to JonApsey@Home.Com


2001 Great Lakes Distance Riding Association

Distance Program Nomination Application 

Rider Nomination Form






City:__________________ State:________ Zip:___________


Phone: ( ____) _____________ Date:_____________



Nomination fee: $20.00 - this is a one time charge.

You can buy back mileage for $10 per year. Since GLDRA started in 1980 you can not buy back any mileage before 1980.


Please send completed application and amount to:

Jon Apsey Phone: 1-517-349-5344

5130 Okemos

East Lansing, MI 48823-2951



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