Tin Cup

Luther, Mich


August 25 Saturday

** Endurance - 50 "Gate into Hold" Adults - $60, Junior - $25

** Endurance - 25 LD - Limited distance "Gate into Hold" Adults - $45, Junior - $25

Competitive - 75 (1st day) "Window concept" Adults - $85, Junior - $40

Competitive - 50 "Window concept" Adults - $60, Junior - $25

Competitive - 25 "Window concept" Adults - $45, Junior - $25

August 26 Sunday

**Endurance - 25 "LD - Limited distance Gate into Hold" Adults - $45, Junior - $25

Competitive - 75 (2nd day) "Window concept"

Competitive - 25 "Window concept" Adults - $45, Junior - $25




**Must show your current AERC card or pay $10 non-AERC fee 

Pre-registration by August 19, 2001 and subtract $5 from entry fee



Steve Halstead, DVM

Larry Granger, DVM

Ride Manager:

Becke Grams

home (616) 887-0081

7937 Alpine Ave

Sparta MI 49345


Trail Boss

Char Richards



General Information
Early Entry Deadline: August 19, 2001

All rides will conform to: UMECRA, AERC, IAHA and APHC Standards

Vet-in: August 24, 2001 Starting: 4:00 p.m.

Riders' meeting:

The ride meetings will be held on Friday evenings at 8:30 pm. Riders should be familiar with UMECRA and AERC rules and regulations. Time will be set for starting of rides.


A potluck will be held before the awards ceremony Saturday evening about 6:00 pm. Meat dish will be furnished by the ride. Please bring a dish to pass.



C & J Hunt Club, Kings Highway, Luther, MI (616) 797-5531

No camping fee. Please bring own people water.

Showers available $4/person

Trail goes through the Tin Cup Springs Motor Sport area. You will be on sandy and grassy 2-tracks, old logging road, single track winding through mature hardwoods and grassy fields. There are mostly flat trails with some intermittent hills.

From North:

I-131 to the Luther exit. Follow the road into town (10 miles). Go through Luther and take the left fork out of town for about 1/2 mile. Take the left fork again towards Garryville you have 1 1/4 miles to camp.

From South:

Take Expressway I-131 North to Reed City exit. (Or you can go 5 miles more to Luther exit and 100% paved roads.) Turn West. Go 7.5 miles to Nirvana (it's a VERY small, just past the rest area) turn right (North) onto Kings Highway. Go 1 mile and turn left and go 1/2 mile. Turn right (STAY ON PAVED!!), follow Kings Highway to camp (7 miles)



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