
The Souvenir and Commemorative Spoon Museum Presents

an eclectic mix of unusual silver spoons for your viewing

The New Book is now available--click the picture for info

It has been a long wait -- but it was worth it!!!

When is a spoon more than a spoon?

 globe annimated

Exhibits are listed in alphabetical order,
but may be viewed in any sequence
(date indicates last update for regular visitors)

spoons are STERLING SILVER or 800 SILVER unless otherwise specified

Click the underlined Exhibit Categories to See Some
Great Commemorative Spoons

click here to search for a specific spoon, subject or place

In the Beginning (Salem Witch and history) 8/7/00
Apostle Spoons 4/5/01
 "Art Deco" Spoons 4/25/01
"Art Nuevo" Spoons       3/5/01
"Art Nuevo -- Coffee spoon sets" 6/9/01
"Arts and Crafts" spoons   (incl A. Adler 4/12/01) 8/20/01
Arts, opera, museum, theatre spoons 5/12/00
Australia and New Zealand Spoons 8/10/01
Battleship spoons 6/9/01
Berlin Air Lift Commemorative 8/29/99
Berry or Fruit spoons 8/10/01
Bird Spoons 12/28/98
Birth and Baptism spoons 7/15/01
"Black Spoons" About Negroes 12/5/00
Block Houses & First Houses 3/18/99
BonBon Spoons (**6 exhibits**) 9/1/01
Bone and Wood Spoons (unique) 5/18/00
Bridge spoons 8/3/01
Bridge Spoons (Duluth, Minn.) 11/25/99
British and Canadian & Dutch Royalty 8/20/01
British Coronation Anointing Spoons 9/11/99
British Souvenir Spoons 9/30/99
Business,Stock,Skyscraper,Casino spoons 12/3/99
Cactus Spoons 9/17/00
Caddy Spoons 12/24/99
California Location Spoons 6/15/01
California Missions spoons   1/19/01
Canadian Spoons 11/20/00
Capitol Building spoons 9/28/99
Car Spoons (Automotive) 8/10/01
Caribbean Spoons 8/20/01
Cat Spoons 10/15/99
"Century of Progress" world fair--Chicago 1934 1/15/00
Ceremonial Spoons 11/9/03
Champleve Technique 4/2/00
Charles Dickens Spoons 8/18/99
City Hall Spoons   11/29/98
City Names Art Deco - Cutout Embossed 11/24/00
City Names Art Nuevo - hand made 9/5/00
Civil War Spoons 3/13/01
Civil War Spoons -- Old Abe *new* 6/10/01
Claret Spoon 3/23/01
Cliff House spoons (San Francisco) 9/27/99
Coffee Bean Spoons 8/18/99
Coin Spoons   (spoons made using coins) 7/11/01
Colleges and University Spoons 11/23/99
Columbian World Fair (Chicago 1893) 1/19/01
Corn,Wheat, Peanut and Cotton Spoons 11/30/99
Courthouse spoons (and Justitia) 6/12/00
Cowboy and Rodeo Spoons 2/3/01
Croquette Server Spoon 2/3/01
Devil Spoon 9/5/00
Diana -- The Huntress spoon 9/1/01
Dionne Quintuplets spoon info page
Disaster Spoons --Iroquois Theater Fire 2/20/99
Dragon spoons 12/16/00
Dutch version of American History 9/3/99
Eastern European made spoons 9/3/99
Egyptian Spoons 8/10/01
European Area Large Servers 9/10/00
European Picture Bowl Spoons 11/30/00
Famous Places (a few famous sites) 11/24/00
Figural spoons   11/30/98
Filigree spoons   9/18/00
Fishy Spoons (fishes and fishing) 8/20/01
Flag Spoons (hand painted flags) 10/31/00
Florida Spoons 11/24/00
Flower spoons - Enameled 10/7/99
Fountain Spoons 11/30/00
Franz Joseph Celebration *new* 3/5/01
Fraternal Organizations (15 different groups) 1/26/01
Frequently Asked Questions 10/7/99
Funeral Spoons 8/20/01
Gambling Spoons 1/15/00
Gemstone Spoons  (19 jeweled exhibits) 8/10/01
Gemstone tea stirrers 8/2/98
German Flatware (child set) 4/6/99
German Spoons (also Vienna & Budapest) 12/7/99
Germany-The Grand Tour 4/7/99
Gold Spoons (14kt) *new* 3/12/01
Good Luck Spoons (American,Canada,Europe) 9/24/00
Good Luck Spoons (Brazil) 1/20/00
Good Luck Spoons (Oriental & Chinese) 3/12/00
Grape Leaves Demi Set (Finland) 9/2/98
Greek Spoons 5/28/00
Hamsa Hand Spoons 8/15/99
Hans Christian Anderson Story Spoons 1/26/01
Hawaii Spoons 5/28/00
High School Spoons 7/25/99
Horn Spoons (Carved) 8/10/01
Hospital and Medical Spoons 1/12/01
Hotel Spoons 9/13/98
Huge Spoon Index *new* 9/5/01
Hummel Spoons 7/13/98
Hydro (dams,aqueducts,levee) spoons 4/17/00
Indian (American) spoons (part 1) 1/18/99
Indian spoons full Figural part 2 3/18/01
Indian spoons partial figurals part 2 6/15/01
Indian spoons-- specific Chiefs 9/15/00
Indian Spoons Navajo, Pueblo & Zuni 8/10/01
Indian spoons salad sets Navajo 1/20/00
Indian Spoons Navajo Yei Figure *new* 6/15/01
Indian spoons Eskimo,Tlinget & Haida 8/20/01
Indian spoons Villages and Scenes 7/15/99
Indian totem pole spoons 1/4/00
Indonesian Servers (large and unusual) 10/17/99
Ingersoll the Agnostic spoon 9/1/01
Invention Spoons *new* 3/16/01
Italian spoons 1/19/01
Italian City States + Vatican + more 9/9/99
Japanese Figural Demi Spoons 7/19/98
Japanese Geisha Spoons 2/25/99
Japanese Oyster Spoons 7/1/98
Japanese Samurai and Porcelain Finials 8/29/99
Joan of Arc spoons 10/23/98
Judaica Spoons 03/31/00
Kenya and African Spoons (+lion tooth spoon) 8/3/01
Korean Enamel spoons & chopsticks   ( unusual) 7/29/99
Lapland Wedding Spoons 8/20/01
Library spoons   9/27/99
Literary Figure Spoons (writers/poets) 9/3/01
Llama Spoons 5/11/98
Local Parks spoons 7/22/99
Local Product Spoons 7/25/99
Love Spoons 12/16/00
Mardi Gras Spoons 4/9/99
Marshall Plan and WORLD WAR victory/recovery 5/27/01
McKinley, William (President) also Pres. Grant 1/26/01
Medicine Spoons 8/3/01
Memorial Auditorium spoons   3/24/00
Mexican Spoons 11/20/00
Military  Monument spoons 3/20/99
Military Spoons (figural, other) 10/31/00
Military --WW1 Generals/Admirals 9/4/99
Miners and Mining Spoons 10/18/99
Monkey Spoons (marriage and funeral) 5/10/00
Moon Landing Spoon 9/9/99
Mountain Spoons 11/1/99
Movie Star spoons (1920's) 7/5/99
Music Spoons (also serenades you) 12/26/00
My Old Kentucky Home spoons 11/25/99
Mystery Spoons 4/17/00
Mythological Figure spoons 12/16/00
Napoleon Bonaparte Spoons 10/8/00
National Park spoons 3/24/00
New York World Fair 1939 12/5/00
Nordic Enamel spoons 12/5/99
Norwegian Coronation Spoons 8/5/99
Norwegian Tinn Spoons 11/27/99
Nut Spoons (mixed metals, "A&C") 6/24/98
Observatory spoons (& Halley's Comet) 11/9/99
Oil Well Spoons 4/17/01
Old Fort spoons 9/2/98
Old Man of the Mountain spoon *new* 3/5/01
Olive Servers 2/2/01
Orange Spoons (the fruit) 3/25/00
Oriental Spoons 12/26/00
Palm  Tree Spoons   3/16/00
Pan American Expo -- Buffalo, NY, 1901 7/14/00
Pan Pacific Expo San Fran/ San Diego/Panama Canal 9/30/00
Passenger Ships 7/18/99
Pere Marquette (French explorer) 5/17/98
Persian Spoons *new* 3/13/01
Plique-a-jour spoons (stained glass effect) 3/25/01
Political Spoons 6/4/01
Post Office Spoons
President Series (Oneida,IS,Roger Bros) 6/20/99
Prison Spoons 3/7/99
Prize Spoons 8/20/01
Punch Ladle (1750 -1775) 12/13/99
Queen Victoria from 1876 4/5/99
Rebus Spoons 6/15/01
Russian Spoon Index 3/13/01
Save the Rhine Spoon 9/12/00
Scrimshaw Spoons (Alaska) 3/12/00
Sea Shell Spoons 11/30/00
Ships and Shipping Spoons 1/12/00
Silver Flowers 1/23/99
Skyline Spoons (handles and major cities) 3/23/01
Skyline Spoons (bowls and smaller cities) 8/7/00
Snake Spoons 1/19/01
South Pole Spoon 10/8/00
Spanish Speaking Countries Spoons 9/5/00
Spoon Pricing (determining prices) 8/5/99
Spoon Stories 8/20/01
Spoon Trader Page
Sports Spoons 5/28/00
State Seals (Shepard Wavy Handle) 8/25/98
Statue of Liberty Spoons 8/10/01
Straw Spoons 10/31/00
Swiss Spoons and William Tell 5/5/99
Tea Equipage (very old / unusual spoons) 3/2/01
Thanksgiving Spoons *new* 3/5/01
Torture Spoon -- Iron Maiden 8/3/01
Train Spoons (trains and train stations) 5/30/00
Transportation Spoons (dogsled + more) 5/30/00
Trees on Spoons 11/24/00
Turkish Spoons 8/18/99
Victorian Era Repro's - with examples
Victorian Housing spoons 5/28/98
Victorian Style Spoon Index*NEW* 17 exhibits 8/10/01
Volendam, Holland Demitasse Set 7/4/98
Washington, George 8/3//01
Waterfall, Arch, Rapids Spoons 12/5/99
Webfoot Spoons (Oregon Frog) 8/10/01
Windmill Spoons 4/20/00
Woman's Rights Spoons *new* 6/10/01
World Fair (expo's) Spoons 9/1/01
Yukon antler Spoons 7/14/00
Yukon Gold Spoons (also AYPE Expo) 11/23/99
Zeppelin Spoon and Fork *new* 2/28/01
Zodiac Spoons 1/17/99

click here to search for a specific spoon, subject or place

Most of the spoon bowl detail pictures shown in this museum are

Some are identified simply as "engraved".
Spoons identified as "embossed" means that the picture was made by a stamping machine


Most of these miniature works of silver-art are made in STERLING SILVER (unless otherwise specified) and were created during the

1890 - 1920 time period

Future Goal

Non-Profit Spoon clubs

Why I dislike Silver Plated Items

Historical Analysis of Souvenir Spoons

Engraving Skills Analysis

Photographing Silver and the Pictures on this Site

National Spoon Convention Information

current convention information posted 2/10/02

Enameled transfer print bowl of the famous painting of Paul Revere examining a silver cup.
Sterling Silver with an eagle finial.


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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

I answer all email--but recently I have received several requests for information with INVALID return addresses. If you expect a reply , please ENSURE that your return address is VALID
If you don't receive a reply within a couple of days--check the "return address" on your email program and send me the correct address.

Dear Fellow Spooners, It has become incredibly difficult for me to maintain this huge database of pictures and links. There is more information and pictures here than on many commercial sites. Some errors have crept in either through my mistakes or server and internet problems. If you discover any "broken links" or "missing pictures" or bad grammar or spelling, please take a minute to email that information to me.
Thanks for your help.


I have added the capability of FAXING to this museum. For those people who wish to send me a picture but don't have scanner capability, you can send me a fax by calling
(419) 735-8201
(may be a long distance call to Ohio)

buying, selling or trading

email me if you see something you like

Links to Other Spoon & Silver Sites

If you would like to TRADE LINKS--please contact me.

You do not need my permission to link to this site.