Medical Spoons

The concept of a hospital as a place for sick people to get better has a very long history. But it was not until modern times that the hospital actually fulfilled this important role. Until medical science understood the importance of bacteria and viruses and the methods which they use to infect people, the hospital was usually a place where people went to die. But with the advent of better medical technology, better medicines, pain relievers, anesthetics, and sterilization procedures the hospital began to assume the role which we know today.

                   Long Server (10.25" ) with detail of bowl

                   inscribed "First Reserve Hospital Corp Manila P.I. Jan.17-99"

                   From the Spanish-American War occupation of the Philippines

A new concept in medical care pioneered at the Dresden Museum in 1930
click if you want more details on this exposition

We also find a few spoons engraved with pictures of the new hospital. Most of the buildings were very important to the residents and large or small they demanded that a silver spoon be engraved to commemorate their importance to the community.

Kankakee, Ill.                Quincy, Ill

               Batavia, New York                               Watertown, New York

Two views of St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, N.Y.

Rare Insane Asylum spoon from Nevada, Missouri

City Hospital, Independence, Kansas

Sanitariums were like resort hospital-hotels

          Battle Creek, Michigan                                     St. Joseph, Mt. Clemens, Michigan

The director of the Battle Creek Sanitarium was a Dr. Kellogg. One of his passions was that people should eat natural foods, grains, nuts etc. (yuck). He actively developed a regimen that many still follow today including a number of tasty breakfast foods. One of his frequent visitors was a man named Post. Post asked for some of the recipes and these were given to him free. He packaged them as cereals and business prospered. Dr. Kellogg then saw the business possibilities of his recipes and started marketing them himself. (I'll bet that I don't have to tell you what firm he founded). At one point Battle Creek, Michigan had over 100 firms producing breakfast cereals and was the world leader in this business category.

Hospital Francois, New York

"Societe Francais de Bienfaisance"

Spoon shows a woman on the handle (identified RF) and the dates 1810 - 1910

so this was obviously a centennial celebration

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