snippie's Home Page

I am so happy you came to visit me. Sit back and relax and let me tell you a little about myself and my family. I have lived in Ohio all of my 5+ years, but hey who is counting! I have 1 husband (1 is enough for anyone, especially since he just retired!) 3 children - 2 boys, 32 and 27 and a daughter 16. Right, I know you are saying to yourself - big age difference there! You are right, but what a blessing she is. My middle son graduated from Computer Tech, and has a really great job in Canton! My oldest son, who is full-time fireman, is married to a wonderful girl (thank God I like her) you know how mothers can be! And we have a beautiful granddaughter and a grandson! Oh, I forgot the dog, a Yorkshire.

I love Antiques - especially Yellow Ware and Mocha Ware.

On the Week-ends if I get the chance, you will find me at a Flea Market or Auction. I just discovered Ebay! Check out my Ebay page to see all the goodies I have for sale. I don't know if this was a mistake or a Godsend! Whatever, I am having a ball!

My all time favorite singer/actress/director is Barbra Streisand. I saw her in concert in Las Vegas twice in 1994! My husband slept thru it! - What a wonderful experience! I went twice because I was afraid she would get stage fright or laringytis and I would miss it. Would love to hear from you if you are a fan too.

Come Visit My Auction Frenzy Page at Ebay! I have a wide variety of items up for auction
My Ebay Auctions

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