For those of you wonderingWhoI am,,Well my real name is Kelly, I'm 29 and I live in Quebec,Canada..I moved here in 1988 and I love it here! really is a great place to live...I love anything to do with the outdoors..*S*..In the Summer I go camping and fishing alot as well as riding my bike and swimming..*S*..
I also really like Boxing!..My favorite Boxers are Oscar De La Hoya *G* and of course Evander Holyfield!..
I have a Rottweiler named Sultan who I love alot and a cat named Ti-Guy.(who just had kittens!)..I love Shopping and of course Chatting!..*L*... I like alot of Pink Floyd..Led Zepplin..CCR..Janis..No Doubt..Sound Garden..ZZ Top..I like these songs too..*S*Lean on me...Wild Thing...American Woman...Cat in the cradle..
My best past time would have to be computers!..I have met so many nice people on the Net and hope to meet more!..*S*..This is my first HP and as you can see I'm far from being finished..*S*..So please visit again!..*S*..and don't forget to sign my Guestbook please!..*S*

Texas Rose...My best friend...Major partner in crime..*G*

Hatter...Couldn't forget such a Sweety..*S*

kes...My other Sis...This girl know's how to throw a Great hot tub Party!..*L*

StreetWalker...Need I say more..*S*

Emily ...A very sweet person..and sooo quiet!..*LOL*

Wyatt...He can alway's make me smile!

marilyn...This is my Day's Sis!..*S*...she's such a sweety!...Don't mess with her!..*G*

Sam/m...a very good friend!

Ed...My Computer Consultant!..*LOL*

PT...Now this man is a True Southern Gentleman...also he's my Bro-in-law *L*..Sis is so Lucky..*S*

Defiant...Such a sweet guy!!.*S*..not to mention my GuestBook wouldn't work if it wasn't for you..*S*

Daytona...A very dear friend!...but her twin brings out the Evil in me!..*LOL*

Toygirl...Watch out guys she has an Evil twin!!!..*G*

Warrior...A true Sweetheart!...*S*

Sugar Lips...A great friend to have!..*S*..

Lunatic Fringe and Dusk...Two dear and kind friends...*S*

Cinnamon Girl...This girl is a riot!!!..*LOL*..*S*

tomis...A really nice guy... Crazy...but very sweet!..*S*

Sugardad...He's my Beer drinkin, Pretzel eatin, Beavis & Butthead watchin Buddy!!!..*LOL*...*S*

Daisymae...She's as Squirrley as me!!..*LOL*...

skokie...You gotta be in a Chat room with her she's a Blast!!!...*LOL*

And a very special Thanks to Tomis and Texas Rose!!..**S**

Guestbook by Lpage




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