What did you expect? A Lamborghini?
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Last updated August 31, 1999!

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Just use the links below to look around the Slow Lane!
The page is under going some revisions, please be patient if you run into any missing links. Everything that was here before is still here. A few new things are added. Some things I found in our directory that Mmike had done, I went ahead and added for you to enjoy. I was trying to get rid of all the pop-ups and change the menu, but Netscape keeps crashing so I'll have to do it some other time, so sorry.
Acro Buddies
(bio's, pictures, the works)
Rules of the Road Classifieds  Message Board 
Pictures from the Road! Threats! (gasp)  Old Favorites  History 
Vacant Vacant  The Team  Thanks!! 
SurveyTime!  Our Friends! Our News!  Sign the Guest Book View the Guest Book 
Previous Survey Results (There are more...)  Wow.
(Something Mmike was playing with) 
It Lives!! 
(This is the old Rogue's gallery)
Memorable Acro's 

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Watch your patootie on the way out!
If you don't like it, there's the door!
Don't let it hit you in the patootie on the way out!! You might just laugh it off anyway!!

Breakfast of Champions! This site owned by g--anon & Mmike.
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COAL logo courtesy of Neblig & codymaxx
COAL managed by Rik.

There have been  drivers in the Slow Lane since 2/17/98

Page created 1/27/98 by g-anon (creativity, publicity, begging, packing & moving) and Mmike (moral & technical support, plus slave labor), (_: I love you Mmike, may you forever rest in peace and may your soul remain in the care of the god you believed in.  {{{{{{Mm}}}}}}  :_) I'm sure we stole stuff somewhere, so if you tell us you will be properly credited and/or ignored. Like this for example: Special Scooby Snax to Diablodog for the lovely headings that grace these pages! wtg Diablodog, gmv! All rights reserved. You can have the wrongs. Watch out where the huskies go and don't you eat that yellow snow!

Acrophobia and its respective logo are service marks of Berkeley Systems, Inc. The content on this site was created by an Individual independent of Berkeley Systems, Inc. The views expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect the views of Berkeley Systems.