I'm Vignali Giacomo from Italy.

These are the cans that I can trade for the new can of your country (only italian for european and all the other for extra-european ones)

Here is an italian live auction site. here you can find can b keyword "lattine"

For other kind of cans look at page2 and consider that I trade these cans with can of strange countries ,not new cans and special sets.

Anyway write me any proposal of trade and I will answer.
Write to ror6508@iperbole.bologna.it

CC = Classic coke
CH = Cherry coke
CL = Coke light
CCF = Coke caffein free

Country year quality Qty size description


1992 CC 1 375ml coke with little olympic rings on side
1993 CC 1 375ml Script and Star
199? CC 1 375ml from Always Jammin : Mitchell
199? CC 1 375ml from Always Jammin : Loggins
199? CC 1 375ml from Always Jammin : Hays
199? CC 1 375ml Summer Always
199? CC 1 50cl Coca Cola Hot Five n°3
199? CC 1 50cl 33% Extra Free
199? CC 1 50cl 33% Extra Free Max Pack
1995 CC 2 375ml Hot Five Prizes
1995 CC 2 375ml Million worth of Prizes
1995 CC 1 375ml from "wildcats team": Andrew Vlahov
1995 CC 1 375ml from "wildcats team": Martin Cattalini
1995 CC 1 375ml from "wildcats team": Ricky Grace
1995 CC 1 375ml from "wildcats team": Fisher
1995 CC 5 375ml EDS 95 Grand Prix Formula 1
1996 CC 1 375ml AFL "Coca Cola" Centenary Grand Final
1996 CC 6 375ml Carry the Olympic torch for Atlanta (competition)
1997 CC 2 375ml Telstra cup 97 Gran Final
1997 CC 6 375ml Summer Alert
1997 CC 6 375ml Masters Rusty
1997 CC 1 375ml from captains sets: Peter Mann
1997 CC 1 375ml from captains sets: Mark Geyer

1994 CC 1 33cl Usa 94 striker:n°1
1994 CC 1 33cl Usa 94 striker:n°4
1994 CC 1 33cl Usa 94 striker:n°5
1994 CC 1 33cl Usa 94 striker:n°6
1996 CC 2 33cl Atlanta 96 set:n°3
1996 CC 1 33cl Atlanta 96 set:n°1
1998 CC 1 33cl Wc98
1998 CC 6 33cl Xmas can 98
1997 CC 8 33cl Xmas set of 2 cans

1996 CC 1 33cl Zoek de Vlam
199? CC 2 33cl Bevet Gerecyclerd metaal(in green topside)
199? CC 1 33cl Verpakking...(on side in green square)

1998 CC 6 33cl Xmas 98

1996 CC 4 345ml Atlanta 96

1994 CC 1 33cl Play red hot summer
1996 CC 1 33cl multipack can
1996 CC 4 33cl Win free T-shirts (euro 96)
1996 CC 3 33cl Euro '96
1997 CC 2 33cl eat football,sleep football,drink coca cola

1994 CC 4 33cl Yatil un orse.... (with 2 polar bear)
1994 CCF 4 33cl 10000 entreeDysneyland
1995 CC 6 33cl Gagnez 10000 passeports Disneyland...
1996 CC 8 33cl Sport collection n_1
1996 CC 9 33cl Sport collection n_2
1996 CC 5 33cl Sport collection n_3
1996 CC 4 33cl Sport collection n_5
1996 CC 4 33cl Sport collection n_6
1996 CC 4 33cl Sport collection n_7
1996 CC 4 33cl Sport collection n_8
1996 CC 1 50cl Sport collection : wrestlers
1997 CC 3 33cl 5000 places for WC
1997 CC 1 33cl new coke logo
1998 CC 2 33cl can 1 for France 98 (green rim)
1998 CC 3 33cl can 2 for France 98
1998 CC 2 33cl Xmas can (benelux)
1999 CC 1 33cl competition
1999 CL 2 33cl Summer design with sun and beach
1998 CC 3 33cl France win the WC (4 cans)

199? CC 1 50cl die neu coca light
1996 CC 1 33cl Sport collection n_1
1996 CC 1 33cl Sport collection n_2
1996 CC 1 33cl Sport collection n_4
1996 CC 2 33cl Music set II: H-Blox
1996 CC 2 33cl Music set II: Phill Collins
1996 CC 2 33cl Music set II: Dr.Alban
1996 CC 9 33cl Atlanta '96
199? CH 1 33cl Cherry Coke (red and black)
1997 CC 1 33cl Xmas can
1998 CC 1 33cl Nagano 98
1998 CC 2 33cl France '98
1998 CC 2 33cl Xmas set of 2 cans
1999 CC 3 33cl Polar Bear set of 4
1999 CC 3 33cl Summer set of 4 cans

1996 CC 4 33cl Atlanta 96 "68 years...."(producted in France)
1997 CC 2 33cl nu 69 cents
1998 CC 2 33cl national team : Berkamp
1998 CC 1 33cl national team : Overmars

1993 CC 5 33cl Santa Claus
1994 CC 6 33cl Santa Claus with children (UNICEF)
1994 CC 4 33cl Lillehammer: Skating Bear
1994 CC 4 33cl Lillehammer: Hokey Bear
1994 CC 5 33cl World Collection : Taiwan
1994 CC 5 33cl World Collection : Pakistan
1994 CC 3 33cl World Collection : Corea
1994 CC 3 33cl World Collection : Israele
1994 CC 5 33cl World Collection : Russia
1994 CC 8 33cl Sun with grey background (limited)
1994 CC 8 33cl Sun
1994 CC 5 33cl USA '94 set: Camerun
1994 CC 2 33cl USA '94 set: Usa
1994 CC 8 33cl Xmas:Polar Bear
1994 CC 8 33cl Motor Show 94
1995 CC 8 33cl Santa Claus
1996 CC 3 33cl Xmas set: n°1
1996 CC 3 33cl Xmas set: n°3
1996 CC 3 33cl Xmas set: n°4
1996 CC 2 33cl Atlanta 96
1997 CC 9 33cl Dissetati,Guarda dentro e scopri se hai vinto
1997 CCF 9 33cl Dissetati,Guarda dentro e scopri se hai vinto
1997 CC 3 33cl Xmas set: n°1
1997 CC 3 33cl Xmas set: n°3
1997 CC 3 33cl Xmas set: n°4
1997 CCF 3 33cl Xmas set: n°5
1998 CC 9 33cl Gardaland castle can (discount for ticket)
1998 CL 6 33cl Scopri l'uomo coca cola light
1999 CC 4 33cl Competition (you can win computers...)
1999 CL 4 33cl Competition (you can win computers...)
1999 CCF 4 33cl Competition (you can win computers...)
1999 CC 4 33cl Competition with sun
1999 CL 4 33cl Competition with beach design
1999 CCF 4 33cl Competition with sun and moon

complete set:
1997 CC 9 33cl Christmas set '97 5 cans (4 cans + 1 caffein free)
1998 CC 5 33cl Set of Vespa 4 cans
1998 CCF 4 33cl Set of Vespa 3 cans
1998 CC 9 33cl Christmas set '98 of 4 cans

1996 CC 4 33cl Xmas 96 (santa and fridge)
1997 CC 3 33cl Competition de pagers
1997 CC 5 33cl Expo '98
1998 CC 5 33cl sempre contigo (with expo '98 mascotte)
1998 CC 5 33cl Xmas 98

1996 CC 3 33cl Atlanta 96 with disk and rings
1996 CC 3 33cl Oferta pack 24
1998 CC 5 33cl WC France 98

1994 CC 1 33cl Goteborg 94: n°1 100 meters
1995 CC 5 33cl Xmas can, Santa and Sofa
1996 CC 5 33cl Atlanta 96 with runner that take the torch

1996 CC 4 355ml Atlanta '96

--Sprite sets--
NBA Italy 24 cans
NBA Spain 8 cans
NBA France 18 cans
NBA Germany 8 cans (incomplete)


1990 CL 1 33cl Standard
199? CC 1 25cl design first of bottle
1995 CC 4 33cl Bottle logo without always
1996 CC 7 33cl Bottle logo with always
1996 CC 1 25cl Bottle design
1996 CL * 33cl new design
1997 CC * 33cl New disco design
1997 CC * 50cl New disco design
1997 CC * 25cl New disco design
1997 CL * 25cl New design
1997 CL * 33cl New design (with glasses)
1998 CCF * 33cl new disco design

1997 CC 1 15cl New logo
1996 CL 1 375cl Diet Coke
Céska Republica:
1996 CC 3 33cl New disco design
1994 CC 2 33cl bottle logo
1997 CC 2 33cl disco design
1997 CC 4 33cl disco design
1997 CC 2 33cl disco design
1997 CC 2 33cl disco design
1997 CC 1 33cl Disco design

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