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En retour, vos informations et vos fichiers Gedcom seront les bienvenus si vous souhaitez participer à la consolidation de nos recherches et à une vraie entraide Généalogique. Merci d'avance pour votre coopération. Prière adresser vos questions, commentaires ou suggestions à Pierre BOURGEOIS P.O. Box 28 Port Vila -VANUATU Pacifique Sud (678) 22 112 - Fax (678) 25 250 |
You are welcomed to use and download any information on this Base to assist you completing your researches. You just have to open the proper page relating to your ancestor using the alphabetical provided engine; and at the bottom of the page:
In return, your Gedcom Files and other information will also be appreciated, if you are willing to participate to our quest, to assist other genealogists Your efforts are much appreciated. All questions, comments or suggestions should be addressed to Pierre BOURGEOIS P.O. Box 28 Port Vila -VANUATU South Pacific (678) 22 112 - Fax (678) 25 250 |