World of Sitcoms Home

Welcome to the World of Sitcoms

A site for fans of TV sitcoms, focusing on the areas of plot and character cliches. My original intent was to build a more comprehensive site, but due to time restrictions I decided to narrow the focus to this one topic, while occasionally adding other topics of special interest. I welcome your input; feel free to write and suggest those cliches I have missed.

Plot Cliches
Browse the list and see if you can remember the episodes of your favorite show where these story lines were used.
Character Cliches
You can take one character from each category here and with some of the story lines from the plot cliche page, make your own sitcom.
Miscellaneous Topics
Various unrelated facts and opinions, and some trivia quizes. Articles to be added regularly, and you are welcome to submit your own work to be included.
Sitcom Links
Links to sites of general information on TV shows, and to fan pages for specific sitcoms. Let me know if you want your fan page added.

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