It was the best of times……

It was the worst of times…..

The purpose of this page is to provide a comprehensive history of the world in 1957 along with links to sites dealing with this year. This is just the beginning. I'll be adding new fun stuff all the time. Check back frequently. In case you're wondering, I was born in 1957 and thought it would be fun to see what happened that year.

This page viewed times since March 21, 1999



Here are some links to sites dealing with 1957:

Baby Boom Year 1957

TIGERX.COM - This Day in History

The Political Graveyard Politicians Who Were Born or Died in 1957

The Nuclear Fifties

The International Geophysical Year, 1957-1958

The Fifties Web

The Fifties Course Home Page

Teun's 1957 Dutch Stamps

Special Events for the Year 1957

History Channel

Gil Asakawa's 1957 TimeLine

Excite - The Academy Awards 1957

Event Chronology 1957

A Collector 1950S-A-HEAD

Baby Boom Year 1957