
Professional Desktop


Welcome to my page of original desktop themes. Those of you who just cruise around Geocities looking for themes may recognize me from my old address on Broadway. Well, these are the same themes, but I have new ones waiting for you on Pages 2 & 3.

These themes are (mostly) designed for a screen resolution of 800x600 and require WinZip and MSPlus! to run. This Page will give you directions on how to change your Startup/Shutdown screens

All themes include *.wavs and icons

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Okay, so it's not a very "grown-up" theme, but I love this bear, and I couldn't find any Classic Pooh themes anywhere!Click here for a pooh stationery to use in Outlook Express or Outlook 98.

Ansel Adams is one of America's foremost black-and-white natural photographers.



Enjoy the beauty of Thomas Kinkade with this theme based on "The Painter of Light."

Sunflowers! A theme sure to brighten up any desktop - even in the middle of winter!

                        A theme based on the black-and-white photography of Anne Geddes - very clean, very classy!


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