A little bit about me.
I am ____ years old.  I try to tell myself that you are as old as you feel.  If that is the case then I am 16.5 years old.  I am a teacher at a middle school.  Yes, I am a glutton for punishment.  I enjoy teaching and there are a few things that really make it a rewarding profession.  CHRISTMAS BREAK, SPRING BREAK and SUMMER BREAK, in that order.  I really enjoy the teaching aspect of my job its the paperwork that is a real nightmare.  Of course I am sure that is the case in every profession.  I am getting ready to embark on a wonderful adventure with an awesome guy.  I am excited about the prospects of becoming a Texan.  However this does mean I will be needing a new pair of boots.  I dont think the ones I have will do.  I am excited about my adventure and cant think of anyone else on earth that I would want to share it with.  Something good did come out of                                                      The Camel Club.
A little bit more about me.
I enjoy tennis, its the one sport that I love to play and watch.  I am a big college basketball fan.  Can you say MARCH MADNESS??  I also like watching college football.  I am not a big fan of professional football or basketball.  I personally think they are a bunch of overpayed grown men that half the time act like spoiled children.  I enjoy reading legal thrillers.  John Grisham and Brad Meltzer are the two authors that I read the most.  I have happened upon a wonderful writer in the sci-fi catagory, but that is my little secret.  Until he becomes published and then I will let you know where you may purchase his book.
My pictures
This was Christmas in NYC 1999.
Me and my silly hat.
Gulf Shores, AL 2001
I love the beach!!!!