Carlos M. Rodriguez                                             Web Site:
130 11th St                                                                                                        Telephone: (718) 499 - 1190
Brooklyn, NY 11215                                                                                             Email:

Professional Objective:

     A challenging position with opportunity for growth and the ability to fully utilize my technical skills.

Qualifications and Work Experience:

    Bloomberg, Newsedge, Nasdaq, FirstCall, Loannet, Bridge, ILX, Instinet, Reuters, Reuters Dac Machine,         Track Data, Brass, Brut, Autex, Tools of the Trade, Remedy Ticket System, Clarify Ticket System, Windows      NT/95/98, Outlook, Office, Excel, Access.

    Cisco 2500/5500/6500, SunE4500/6500/Ultra 5/420/Denali/D130, Compaq 8500/Desktop Systems, Dell           Desktop Systems, Bloomberg Screens, Palm Pilots.

7/00 to 10/01:
Leading Edge Communications (Consulting)
Project Manager, Infrastructure for Data Communication Equipment.

Morgan Stanley Dean Witter 7/00 to 3/01 - A group of two Project Managers assigned to supervise the day to   day work in the Comm Rooms for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. Responsible for 10 to 20 Local 3 electricians,     documentation of entire installation of hardware equipment and supervising new Infrastructure Comm Room        builds. Infrastructure includes Market Data, LAN, WAN build outs in Singlemode Fiber, Mulitmode Fiber and       Cat6 wiring. Coverage included Downtown Brooklyn and Newport NJ facilities.

4/97 to 7/00:
Trading Support Solutions, LLC (Consulting)
Provider of Market Data Technical Support services, across hardware and software platforms, to financial       trading institutions.

Deutsche Bank 6/00 to 7/00 - A team of five Market Data Troubleshooters providing 2nd level support to the        entire Global Markets, Equities and fixed divisions. Responsibilities include documentation of Market Data            services, tracking of troubles in the Remedy Ticket System, operating the Reuters Dacs machine and support       for projects on moves, adds, change. Reported directly to the Market Data Support Group.

ING Barings 5/99 to 6/00 - Report directly to the Market Data Support group to provide support services to         approximately 500 traders. Responsibilities include resolution of all Market Data troubles with appropriate             tracking in the Clarify System, Inventory of all ID's plus passwords, support for MAC (moves, adds and             changes) projects and performance of root cause analysis for chronic problems. Worked closely with Market       Data Analyst on cost monitoring, billing and charge backs for the entire trading floor.

Morgan Stanley Dean Witter 4/97 to 5/99 - Included in a team of four Market Data Troubleshooters, assigned      to Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, for the purpose of providing 2nd level support to the Equities, Commodities,        Fixed Income and Foreign Exchange divisions. Geographic coverage included the Mid-Town and Brooklyn          facilities. Responsibilities of this position included support of all Market Data Services, coordination between        operations, vendors and internal business units for the resolution of Market Data issues, support of mission          critical services that run on Windows NT, verification and tracking of IP addresses and support of firm wide       moves and upgrades including Nasdaq and the EMU conversion.

8/92 to 4/97:
Pipeline Communications
Systems Integrator for Data Communications Systems.

Assistant Manager @ Natwest Bank - Supervised and directed a group of (20) technicians in the installation          of large Structured Cabling Systems for the implementation of LAN's, WAN's, IPC Telecom Turrets and             dedicated Market Data services such as Bloomberg, Quotron, Prism and Freeview. Cabling systems included        installation and testing of private lines, T1's, Dacs, Hoot-n-Hollers, Copper and Fiber Optic wiring for the             distribution of telecom and data communications signaling with compliance to TIA/EIA 568 standards.                 Installation of active electronics including hubs, router and switches were also implemented to provide                 complete communications infrastructures.