
wilsonbanner1.jpg (26805 bytes)Click for Jefferson, Georgia Forecast


Antique Furniture: Chairs, Tables, Beds; Old Pottery: Roseville, Hull, Shawnee, McCoy, B.H. Owens, Noritake;  Plush Animals: Beanie Babies, Attic Treasures, Beanie Buddies,TY Dealer; Record Albums, Old Signs, Old Tools, Iron Skillets and pots, Pictures, Magazines, Paintings; Old toys;  Glassware: Fireking, Anchor Hocking, Carnival Glass; Auctions: E-bay, Yahoo! Auctions

Phone : 1-706-367-1025


Antique Furniture, Toys, Old Pottery, Chairs, Tables, Beds, Beanie Babies, Attic Treasures, Beanie Buddies, Record Albums, Old Signs, Pictures, Paintings, Glassware...

Wilson's      Information & Directions !!
Hours: 10:30 AM - 5:30 PM Daily. Closed Sunday.  Located @ 1135 Athens Street.  Jefferson, Georgia
Phone: 706\367-1025   E-mail: Wilsonantiques@Yahoo.com
Located: In Jefferson, Georgia on US 129.  From I-85 take exit 137 (The old exit 50) South through downtown Jefferson. Look for us just past "Jefferson Tire & Battery" on the left.
From Athens 15 Minutes !  Take the Prince Ave. / Jefferson road exit on the perimeter, go north through the city of Arcade. Located just past "Buhler Yarn Corp". on the right.
From Gainesville only 20 minutes!  Take U.S. 129 South through downtown Jefferson.  Look for us just past "Jefferson Tire & Battery" on the left.  We are in a white building with a gravel parking lot.  Many items are outside on display.
We are a TY Dealer ! Beanie Babies, Beanie Buddies & Attic Treasures Are available !                                 Call 1-706-367-1025
since October 1st, 2000

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Looking For Something Special Or Unique?  

Looking for something that isn't on this page?

The Phones are open Mon-Sat. 10:30 am to 5:30 Pm Eastern

The current Time @ Wilson's  is Click for Jefferson, Georgia Forecast Eastern

Phone us! 1-706-367-1025

Items Available at Yahoo Auctions right now !! 

Click the banner below to see my Auctions!

 Pottery Gallery Featured Items


RoseVille                                 RV. Waterlily Ewer
B. H. Owens



Call now to see whats available! 1-706-367-1025

Anything & Everything Imaginable. Shop OnLine !!

Shop the Store Now!
 Check Out My Yahoo! Auctions
Phone : 706/367-1025    


Antique Furniture, Toys, Old Pottery, Chairs, Tables, Beds, Beanie Babies, Attic Treasures, Beanie Buddies, Record Albums, Old Signs, Pictures, Paintings, Glassware...
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Jefferson Georgia Information:   OnLine Jefferson                    
        HEDBA148.WMF (19654 bytes)                                                                       Click for Jefferson, Georgia Forecast
                                                                           Jackson Herald           
            Click for Jefferson, Georgia Forecast                           OnLine Athens     

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Local Map!

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                                                                                       Regional Map!

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E-mail Wilson's


Wilson's Antiques Gifts & Collectibles

1135 Athens Street

Jefferson, Georgia  30549



* Items listed on this page are not guaranteed to be in stock.  Most items are unique and are "One of a kind", Once sold, these items may not be available again.  Thanks for your interest in this site.  Most items are available through online purchase or through Yahoo! or E-bay Auctions. They may also be purchased at the Retail store in Jefferson, Georgia.  Bonsai Trees are Seasonal.  If you don't see the item that you are looking for, stop by or call us, maybe we can help!           Phone : 1-706-367-1025        E-mail: Wilsonantiques@Geocities.com