Australian Soaps!!
Australia, land of disasters, attractive blondes, Castlemaine XXX and soaps.
Isn't that pretty?
It's a very scary place. Trust me, {I've not been there, but I've read Walkabout}. I mean, look at it! It's got lots of super weird animals, i.e. duckbilled-platypus, kangaroos. God definitely has a sense of humour.
Anyway, I'll stop wandering off-topic and get down to business. We here at Om {god} and Bob's Website, would like to inform you of the world's most hazardous place.
Why you ask? Let's take a look at Home & Away and Neighbours.
The inhabitants of Australia are cursed. That is the only explanation that would be reasonable. This very week, a fitness freak suddenly has a huge heart defect, which will require a pacemaker to live.
Continue to read our analysis of Australia, the cursed island . . .