Why just one server?
Some of you may wonder why we ask you to join a particular server.
Because of Dalnets popularity, net splits have become common. When
the net comes back together, and everyone re-joins the channel at the
same time, the welcome messages from the servers cause them to be
flooded off of Dalnet.
If you are flooded off, you risk being k-lined (banned from Dalnet).
Because of this, the only way to prevent the splits is to have everyone on
the same server. That is why it is a kick/bannable offense not to be on
the correct server.
The server will change periodically due to the various problems of
Dalnet. When you join the channels, if you are not on the right server,
you will see a yellow warning telling you so and letting you know what
server to switch too. If you neglect to switch one of the ops will remind
you and give you enough time to do it. Switch then or you will be kicked
and if the problem persists you will be banned for 24 hours. The server
is also shown in the channel topic. Just type the server information
as it is shown starting with the /.
If you are new to IRC and unfamiliar with commands please
do not hesitate to ask for help and the ops will gladly give it.