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I started my page as a way of being able to direct people to sites that mainly have to deal with beadwork and quillwork, as these are one of the things that I really enjoy doing. In fact, my husband and I own K & M Creations on the Flathead Reservation. My husband is a enrolled tribal member of the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribe and has lived here all of his life. Click here ....... or here to see the beautiful view out our back door. We make and sell beadwork and quillwork on braintanned buckskin. We started our business to not only be able to make a living at doing something we enjoy, but we are also able to create income for people who rely on their beading skills. We sell both wholesale and retail.

I have added some pictures of our beadwork and quillwork on my link page and there is also pictures on our business website. Well, enough of that "self-promotion". If you would like to view our work, say hello, sign our guestbook, and maybe place an order :), please visit our website at K & M Creations - beadwork and quillwork

There are so many good sites out there and I feel that if we all link to each other we will only be helping one another. I specifically would like to concentrate on sites that deal with beadwork and quillwork, but I have already found other good ones that don't center around that. Sometimes links change or it's no good anymore---who know's with computers!! If you find a bad link on my website, please let me know. Thanks.

Please sign my guestbook. You don't have to say much....."I was here"......It helps me to know if people are actually visiting my site.(The counter sometimes freaks out.) Also lets other view your website address and maybe get some visitors!!



Pictures of quillwork done by Kimimi
Pictures of beadwork available from K & M Creations
Websites that feature beadwork
Websites that feature quillwork
Business websites that feature Native American crafts,etc.
Websites of Native American and similar interests
Search Engines for Native American and similar interests

Please come back again and visit. Hopefully my site will grow and get better. I find that I have to limit my time on the computer because it becomes "addictive" and cuts into my beading and quillworking. I am sure many of you understand this!!

© 1997

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