If you think your state is immune to the radical smoker-hostile forces running rampant in the rest of the country, think again. Search the net for your state and the word "smokefree." What you'll find will either scare you to death or make you mad enough to fight.

When you're mad enough to fight, join us.


Here is what the anti's are doing. Are you going to let them get away with it?

You may think that anti-tobacco ordinances are being enacted all over the country because the people want them. That's not true. It's because anti-tobacco organizations, well-funded with our tax money, come to town and create enough noise to make the elected officials BELIEVE the people want them. If we're going to stop this rampant trampling of our rights, we MUST fight back! Here's the place to start.

Read THEIR "Talking Points" and see what we're up against.

Let your voice be heard!
Their voices are being heard--many of these actions already have hundreds of responses. We're playing catch-up, but we can do it if it's important enough to us.



We're all in this together and the greater our numbers, the better our chance of success. If you care about your rights, join the ASU.

Here are a few articles we've run across that need a response, but for which we have no address or contact name. If you can provide them, please contact the webmaster.

Senate Democrats are warning that they may add a series of anti-smoking amendments to the Central American relief bill if Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) does not remove her amendment to waive all federal claims to the tobacco settlement money.

Democratic measures could include FDA authority to regulate nicotine, improved warning labels, and restrictions on
tobacco industry marketing and advertising.

Competing with Senator Hutchison's amendment is an amendment by Senators Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) that would force states to spend a portion of the money on anti-smoking and other health and
education-related initiatives.


A bill to ban smoking in all Maine restaurants will go before both Houses, after members of a joint state legislative committee split their votes over the proposed ban. The panel rejected the Maine Restaurant Association's recommendation that ventilation standards could be set for restaurants, bars and lounges in the state.

Although Maryland is expecting a larger than predicted budget surplus this year, legislators should not use that as an excuse to weaken the state's proposed cigarette tax increase, argue the editors of the WASHINGTON POST.

"This tax proposal should be viewed more as a health issue than a way to turn a budget buck. If it works as intended, it shouldn't be a long-term money-raiser anyway. Its purpose is to discourage people from buying cigarettes, which is why dozens of lawmakers in both houses last fall formally endorsed a $1.50 increase in the tax..."

In the past 10 months the Florida Teen "Truth Campaign" spent $70 million on teen parties, TV ads, "sting" operations and other things supposedly to discourage underage smoking. Initially it spent $600,000 on a train trip to attract anti-smoking teens and just last month it spent ONE MILLION DOLLARS on a meeting of teens at one of Florida's most expensive resorts. About one-third of the $70 million went for glossy ads attacking the tobacco industry.

The "Truth" campaign is also teaching kids the wrong things. The teens are urged to harass not only tobacco manufacturers with prank calls, but also advertisers, movie makers and others the adults view as "pro-tobacco." Kids are also taught to break the law by attempting to purchase tobacco products illegally in paid "sting" operations. And one project teaches grammar school kids to write anti-tobacco "propaganda," the actual term used by the program director!

 Apparently some of our state legislators have done their homework and found that similar expensive campaigns in California and Massachusetts not only did not reduce teen smoking, but appear to actually have increased it! In both states the teen smoking rates went UP only after such anti campaigns were mounted.

Some members of the Florida House now want to use these wasted millions on programs which will actually benefit children. Members of the teen campaign (many of them paid for their efforts) invaded the state legislative office building, screaming and shouting and being generally rude. These kids are out of control and the best thing that could happen is disbanding this entire program immediately.

Now anti-tobacco zealot Stanton Glantz is speaking out. In a memo to his national listserve (Mar 17, l999) he urges the national media and national "health" organizations to become involved in Florida's business. He writes: "I would hope that the national health organizations and national media will jump on this story and (1)FORCE full funding for the Florida Truth Campaign and (2) FORCE the Governor to reinstate Peter Mitchell." Mitchell was fired by Gov. Jeb Bush over differing "philosophies." Since Mitchell is ultimately responsible for the abuses and waste of the teen campaign money, it seems that Gov. Bush is acting responsibly and should be commended.

(Article by Wanda Hamilton posted on the NSA message board.)



Needs You!

The forces of anti-tobacco have a well-planned, well-executed, very well-funded (with OUR money) agenda, and if we sit on our hands now as we have done in the past, we're going to lose every right we've believed inalienable since the Constitution was written. Every time one small community, one county or one state falls to the nico-nazis, especially without a fight, there's another chink in the armor of our Bill of Rights. We're vulnerable and if we don't get organized they'll continue to run roughshod over us, taking away our liberties a little at a time. This is not a small thing--the very fabric of America is at stake. This country was not built so one group could have complete control over another, taxing them unmercifully, then using their own money to make them (us) outcasts in their own society.


Join the


Chicago's Mayor and City Council are being urged to pass and support smoker-hostile 100% smokefree restaurant laws.

Honorable Ed Smith
Health Chair
Chicago City Council
1138 West Montrose Avenue
Chicago, IL 60613

Honorable Richard M. Daley
City of Chicago
121 North LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60602

FAX: 773-784-2199



FAX: 312-744-2324

Bergen County is being urged to pass a smoker-hostile, 100% smokefree restaurant law.

Honorable Barbara Chadwick
Board of Freeholders, Health Chair
Bergen County
Administration Building; 21 Main Street
Hackensack, NJ 07601

FAX: 201-646-3540

Somerset County is being urged to pass a smoker-hostile, 100% smokefree restaurant law.

Honorable Rose C. McConnell
Board of Freeholders, Health Chair
Somerset County
20 Grove Street; P.O. Box 3000
Somerville, NJ 08876

FAX: 908-231-8754


The Halifax Board of Health will hold its second public hearing on smoker-hostile restaurant regulations on March 31st.

Honorable John Delano
Halifax Board of Health
400 Plymouth Street
Halifax, MA 02338

FAX: 781-294-7684

The Tucson city council is considering requiring all restaurants to be smoke-free and smoker-hostile.

Tucson has a smokefree ordinance for public places that contains an exemption for restaurants. A simple majority vote in the City Council can amend the ordinance to remove restaurants from the exemptions for smoking in public places. (Before 3/22/99)

If anyone has information on this meeting, please e-mail webmaster at Spinner8@usa.net. Thank you.

Hon. George Miller, Mayor
and Members of the City Council
City of Tucson
255 West Alameda, 10th Floor
Tucson, AZ 85701

Mayor and Council
Tucson City Council
PO Box 27210
Tucson, AZ 85726-7120

FAX: 520-791-4017



 FAX: 520-791-5348

Governor Underwood has proposed a 25 percent excise tax on the wholesale price of smokeless tobacco products. The email
address for the WV Legislators is cglagola@mail.wvnet.edu. In the "subject" box you must put your legislator's name. If
you do not know your legislators' names, you can find them at conservativeusa.com. (Before 4/16/99)

Montgomery County, the largest county in Maryland, is considering 100% smokefree restaurant legislation,introduced by Council president Ike Leggett and two co-sponsors (Phil Andrews and Blair Ewing). (Before 6/30/99)

Honorable Isiah Leggett
and Members of the Montgomery County Council
100 Maryland Avenue
Rockville, MD 20850

FAX: 301-217-7989

The Beaverton City Council is debating making workplaces 100% smokefree.

Honorable Rob Drake
City of Beaverton
PO Box 4755
Beaverton, OR 97006

Wes Yuen
City Councilor
City of Beaverton
PO Box 4755
Beaverton, OR 97006

Cathy Stanton
City Councilor

Forest Soth

Beaverton Valley Times
Times Publications
PO Box 370
Beaverton, OR 97005

The Oregonian
1320 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97201

FAX: 503-526-2479



FAX: 503-526-2479






FAX: 503-620-3433



FAX: 503-294-4179

A coalition of more than 700 business and insurance companies have introduced A.10788/S.6661, a bill which holds people accountable for their own actions and keeps them from suing corporations like the tobacco companies. Contact Senator Volker and Assemblyman Morelle. (Before 6/30/99)

The Honorable Dale Volker
Chair, Senate Codes Committee
New York State Senate
Legislative Office Building, Rm 708
Albany, N.Y. 12247

The Honorable Joseph Morelle
New York State Assembly
Legislative Office Building, Rm 626
Albany, N.Y. 12248

FAX: 518-426-6949



FAX: 518-455-5647

Westport is considering smokefree restaurant legislation.

Judy Nelson
Director of Health
Westport Board of Health
180 Bayberry Lane
Westport, CT 06880

FAX: 203-221-7199

Honolulu is considering smokefree restaurant legislation.

Honorable Mufi Hannenmann, Chair
and Members of the City Council
Honolulu City Council
530 South King Street; Room 202
Honolulu, HI 96813

FAX: 808-523-4220

Aurora is considering smokefree workplace legislation.

Honorable Paul E. Tauer, Mayor
and Members of the City Council
City of Aurora
1470 S. Havana Street
Aurora, CO 80012

FAX: 303-739-7594

Last year, citizens in Montrose, Colorado, asked the City Council to enact a clean indoor air ordinance to provide smokefree public places. The City Council turned them down. (From the anti's talking points: In the meantime, the National Smokers Alliance, a Virginia-based front group for Philip Morris, has worked with restaurateurs to introduce a "Red Light, Green Light" ordinance in the Montrose City Council. This ordinance, created by the National Smokers Alliance and Philip Morris, only requires businesses to post signs that say "smoking is allowed" or "smoking is not allowed" inside their businesses. It is a sneaky, deceptive sham that does nothing to protect employees and patrons from the toxins in tobacco smoke.)

Honorable William F. Cooper, Mayor
and Members of the City Council
City of Montrose
P.O. Box 790
Montrose, CO 81402

FAX: 970-240-1493

The California State Assembly will be considering legislation sponsored by the NSA to overturn the smokefree bars law. Let them know we support AB1216.

Honorable Martin Gallegos
Member, Labor & Employment Committee
California State Assembly
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814

 FAX: 916-319-2157

The Dutchess County Board of Health has proposed regulations restricting smoking in most indoor places, including the workplace.

Harry Lynch
Dutchess County Board of Health
387 Main Street
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

FAX: 914-486-3447

Now that New York has won $25 billion over the next 25 years from the tobacco cartel, the New York legislature must decide how to spend it. The antis are urging the legislature to spend the money on reducing another generation of "tobacco addiction and lung cancer" by advertising against smokers.

New York's cigarette tax used to be one of the highest in the nation. Now many states are higher. The anti's are urging New York's
Governor George Pataki to raise the cigarette tax again.

Honorable George Pataki
State of New York
Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224

FAX: 518-474-1513

The antis are urging Speaker Vallone to strengthen NYC Smoke Free Air law which exempts restaurants with 35 or fewer seats and the bar area of restaurants. It also exempts taverns, night clubs, and workplace offices when less than 4 people are present.

Honorable Peter F. Vallone
New York City Council
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

FAX: 212-788-7207


The new Speaker of the United States Congress, Dennis Hastert, has been a strong supporter of pro-tobacco legislation. The antis are demanding that he stop.

The Honorable J. Dennis Hastert
United States House of Representatives
2241 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

FAX: 202-225-0697

Disneyland and Disney World are family-friendly, magical worlds. The antis are trying to make them smoke-free.

Michael Eisner
Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521

 FAX: 818-560-1300

The National Smokers Alliance are encouraging smokefree airports to add smoking lounges and attempting to prevent others from going smokefree.

Here is the address for LAX. Contact webmaster at smokersunion@hotmail.com for your airport contact name and address if you can't find it.

John Driscoll
City of Los Angeles
1 World Way
P.O. Box 92216
Los Angeles, CA 90009-2216

FAX: 310-646-0523

Nassau County's smokefree restaurant bill excludes restaurants with less than 50 seats, and the bar area of all Restaurants. The anti's are attempting to get this changed to a 100% smokefree policy.

Honorable Vincent T. Muscarella
Health Chair
Nassau County Legislature
1 West Street
Mineola, NY 11501

FAX: 516-571-6235

Although there is no legislation pending in Suffolk County right now, if Nassau County falls to the anti's, it won't be long before there is. Let's pre-empt the forces of evil by writing to the leaders named below. Mr. Gaffney is not sympathetic to our cause, having vetoed a bill which would have extended indefinitely the previously-existing smoking restrictions that allowed for smoking and non-smoking sections in restaurants, thereby allowing the current, Draconian laws to take effect. Dr. Zaki probably
feels the same.

The Honorable Robert J. Gaffney
Suffolk County Executive
H. Lee Dennison Building
100 Veterans Memorial Highway
P.O. Box 6100
Hauppauge, New York 11788

Mahfouz H. Zaki, MD, DrPH (sic)
Suffolk County Div. of Public Health
225 Rabro Drive
Hauppauge, New York 11788

(516) 853-4000

Click here to read the anti's "Talking Points" so you'll be able to head them off at the pass.

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