

Jellybean Jar

As the name implies, I make soap. Started about 6 years ago, after many of my friends tried it and liked it, I decided to sell it. Now my hobby is a small cottage industry. Other interests include my first love and career, the full time ministry. We have raised 3 children, who are all active in the truth; but now it's only my husband of 30 years and myself. We stay busy in the Oak Glen Congregation in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I am interested in natural products, medicine, and health products, because this can bring out the beauty in all of us. But the wisest thing for anyone to do is to stay in and live the truth. We are Dan and Coleen Johnson-------Agape and Philia

Check out my paradise soap link, at the very bottom of the page. (it's way down there) Click on the "paradise soap" link and find out more about my soap. Only 5 ingredients and so pure it floats. ON THE PARADISE PAGE, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SEE MY PRODUCTS ITEMIZED, AND THE PRICES. And on that page there are several other interesting links. Enjoy.



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