Work Shops

Mosaic Stepping Stones:
The class focus will be on glass selection, layout and pre mold preparation for creating a 16" hexagon or 14" round stones.
Students will be given a choice of one of the ten pre-cut patterns to follow.  Due to space limitations and drying times, stones using
Diamondcrete will be the only ones poured during class.

        Cost for workshop is $15.00       (Mold, cement and glass is purchased separately)
        This class requires basic glass cutting skills

Basic Mosaic Techniques:
This class will cover the traditional techniques of mosaic appliqué.  Scrap glass, glass tiles, and glass nuggets will be used in three
separate projects to be completed in class.  Instruction will offer an introduction to working on various surfaces, pattern making, and
application processes.  All materials and tools will be provided for student use.

     Cost for workshop is $45.00
     No prior skills are required for this class.

All workshops are held on Saturdays:           9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Schedule:                           Mosaic Stepping Stones
                                           ($5.00 non-refundable deposit required)

September 23rd                            March 10th                             May 12th

                                           Basic Mosaic Techniques
                                            ($20.00 non-refundable deposit required)

November 4th                             April 7th                                   June 2nd

Basic Bead Making:
The class will cover beginning glass bead  making skills using a "hot-head torch" and morette rods.  Students will be in instructed in the
basic bead and shape variations, bi-and tri- coloring, and several decorative techniques.  All materials and tools will be provided for student use.

     Cost for workshop is $60.00
     No prior skills are required for this class.

Registration for the Bead Workshop is through CCC community school program only.
Sign up in their Canby, Oregon  office at 184 N. Grant St. or call 503-266-2086 for more information.

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Toll Free (888) 863-6556 or (503) 266-5580
Fax (503) 266-5580