At Fort Lauderdale auction Mutt bids on medal
The Fort Lauderdale Coin Club is a very active club. The bi-monthly meetings include an large auction in addition to a numismatic educational program.

Most collectors and dealers specialize in United States coinage, collecting type, dates, condition, slabs and errors. There are a few members that like eclectic items, which include medals, tokens and foreign coins and paper notes.

At the last auction a small lot of interesting commemorative bronze medals was put up. No one was bidding, so Mutt won the lot at a small price. The medal refers to VICTORY, which with the Iraq War in its later stages should be the battle cry of all Americans. Minted in 1987 by A.J. Galambos, it is bronze dollar size, much like the So-Called Dollars of an earlier period.

Click on medal for large size view
The inscription on the reverse is a quote from Winston Churchill “You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory! Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be, for without victory, there is no survival!”

The coin-medal dedicated to Positive Victory was issued by Galambos, Bronze unnumbered medal $25. Silver and Bronze medal sets were sold to the public at $200. per set. 1,000 sets were issued.

Professor Galambos was a true scientist, with a background in astrophysics and mathematics. Galambos sought to promulgate his revolutionary theories.

“Speculation”, he lectures, “is any purchase made with an intent to resell at a profit, based upon anticipated change in market price. There is no intent to put the item to productive use; that would define it as an investment. Only a jeweler (or a metallurgist or a chemist) can invest in gold. For everyone else, it is a speculation.”

This is an interesting theory for the coin collector.

Click for his biography.Galambos