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*********Your Money is Your Business...........Helping You Make More and Save it is Our Business!

Save some $$$..checkout my adds:

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Go to Tracy's Gift World of products and do your gift shopping!

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Click Here to see my ads Post a Message in My Message Board!

this table not ready yet:
1: Best Bargain Center's Merchandise Marketplace. Shop Now!!!!!When you are looking for great gifts for yourself, family, freinds or even to cool down the boss, Best Bargain Center's Merchandise Marketplace is where you can find name brand products that fit the bill. We have houseware's, kitchenware, camping, automotive, knives, toys,and a whole lot more!!!!

2: Collector productsGo to collector catalogWe have closed all our walkin store's and our collectables are now stored in our warehouse. We only sell on the internet and by mail order. You can find a new listing of our collectables that will only grow ---- We just can't seem to stop finding great deals, and we want to pass these finds on to you!

3: Need a break?I do! Come on let's go to the Breakroom! I know we can find something there to do? For sure there is some great music we can get just filling in the serch there.

4: Want to know more about me?

5: Our Bookstore

6: Need to make money right away? Click Now!Learn and earn.

7: Sign Guestbook Please
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You will receive ONLY 1(one) e-mail from us requesting to add you to our once a month SPECIAL PRICE PRODUCTS NEWSLETTER (SUBSCRIBER ONLY DISCOUNTS!)! If you answer no to our request you will Never be sent another!

8: Books about Business

9: Bookmark or add this page to favorites -- Add Your Link FREE!--then return again to visit us!

10: Use our PRIVATE GUEST BOOKto request information about how to own your own business (online or off), get reports, earn as you learn, and ask our own BUSINESS WIZZARD any questions you may have!
ALL REQUESTS RECEIVE AN E-TIFICATE(thats a certificate via e-mail)WORTH 30% OFF ANY PRODUCT PURCHASE(limit 1 per e-mail address) IMPORTANT: be sure to mention certificate in comments.

11: Want to build a wesite of your own for personal and business use? Click here!

More of my stuff at My Yahoo Auction Booth:
I have put a lot of my own collectables there for you to see and bid on ----
And if you need to turn some of your stuff into money, get your own auction going too!!
It's FREE to join Yahoo you know!

Check out this credit card too!NextCard Internet Visa

E-mail me atmanager@best-bargain-center.comin the meantime.

Or send inquiries to;
739 HWY 30
Stanwood, Ia. 52337
Phone 800-264-9007
Please come back soon and visit us.

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