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PINHA-PINHÃO COMMUNITY a reference center to the human essence.
- Cooperation
- Share
- Equality
- Transformation
- Not discriminate : spirituality, sexuality, age, color, ethnic, and education.
- Nature integration
- Government : synergic. With no leaders. Composed by administrators, designers and committees.
- Economy : - Self-sufficiency and self-sustain. Permacultura. Work with equality of value. Do not use money to intro-community relations.
- Spiritually : Without dogmas or spiritual master. Recognize the personal essence as the spiritual goal. (look at A Mans Vision). Use the knowledge of every spiritual master, but in a non-dogmatized way, as a fount of questions, and preserving a critic spirit.
- Meditation : Live as a meditation process.
- Contacts with the Earth : Work in cultivation of food with the intention to provide syntony with the foods energy, a best integration between people, and put in practice the equality feelings of work's value.
-Body care : physical condition.
- Syntony with the Sciences New Paradigm and with the Quantum Physical Principles. The necessity to be connected to the scientific worlds new tendencies as the intellectual manifestation of the man, but always conscience of the limitations of the human intellect (truths relativity and the egos interference).
- I look for love and sensitiveness in each action, as a single moment, filled with
possibilities, special. As a child that opens it eyes for the first time.
- Any element stores inside of itself the totality of the universe.- David
- So, there is a intrinsic knowledge in every manifestation of the nature, and because of
it everything deserves respect, reverence and gratitude.